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General area of the sightings. |
Over the last few days I received two separate reports of a possible thunderbird sighting in Oakland county Michigan. The two people submitting the reports could be connected or know one another, but at this time I do not know. The two sightings describe a very similar creature. I'm fairly familiar with the area as this is where my wife grew up. I have been in this area many times over the years.
Before I get to the actual reports, I want to offer some general information about Thunderbirds and Oakland county.
Thunderbirds are described as large, bird-like creatures. Sighting of Thunderbirds go back for centuries and there are some fossil records that show a bird with a 12 to 18 foot wingspan did exist. But sadly Thunderbirds are mostly thought of as myths nowadays even though there are a growing number of sightings.
Oakland county is a rather large area with lots of water. In fact, there are 387 lakes in Oakland county. Cass lake, which I have been to several times, is the largest and deepest lake in Oakland county. Oakland county is located in the northwest of the Detroit metropolitan area. Even thought the area is flat and heavily populated, there are still areas with good sized forests. West Bloomfield Woods Nature Preserve is a 162 acre preserve that is frequented by over 100 bird species as well as white-tail deer, ref fox, coyote, weasel, mink and salamanders.So, this area is a viable habitat for possible Thunderbirds.
Now that we got some general information about the area, lets look at the report.
First report.
-Start Report-
Name: SI (Name withheld)
Email Address: On file
State: Michigan
County: Oakland
Date of Sighting: 12/17/2016
Time of Day: In early morning and late night. Twice
Nearest Town: Pontiac
Length of Sighting: 5
How many Witnesses: 3
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail:
At first we saw a shadow then it moved to sitting on top of the neighbors roof.
It was cloudy and snowing. It came back twice in one day. Bird shape as long as a car or van.
-End Report-
Now, I know that report is somewhat vague and maybe one would not think a lot about it, but I then got in another report from same general area.
Here is the Second report
-Start Report-
Name: Cheyanne (Last name withheld)
Email Address: On file
State: Michigan
County: USA
Date of Sighting: Saturday 17 2016
Time of Day: Around 7am
Nearest Town: Pontiac
Length of Sighting: 1 minute
How many Witnesses: 3
Any Photos/Videos: None
Describe sighting in detail:
A friend and I was setting out in my van early Saturday morning around 7am, my head lights still on and street lights still on and we both saw a very big bird like it was black with big wings. Wings was as long as a van it swooped down and it broke the beams on the light, I can hardly believe my eyes.
I turned to my friend and ask him what he's seen and he described the same that's what I saw and then later in the evening somewhere around 12:30 midnight my daughter comes to tell me she saw a shadow of a big bird outside her window, which. I never told her about. Please. Contact me so i know we aren't crazy thank you
(I did make contact with Cheyanne and gave her some information and ask if she heard any sounds)
Her follow up email:
No sounds, just a shadow. My daughters bed is right by a window, she had woke up to see the bird sitting on the roof of another house. She explained the big bird as a figure of a bird but no detail cause it was dark, I asked well why didn't you take a picture, and she responded well when you see something that big as soon as you wake up, you don't think about pulling out your phone to take a video, you can't even believe what your seeing . Does this animal only come out during dark hours?
(Once again, I emailed Cheyanne and gave her more info on Thunderbirds.)
- End Report-
So, that appears to be 2 sightings roughly around the same time frames, early morning and late at night, with a total of 6 witnesses. There is a chance these folks may know each and the witness count is a different but we can't be sure of that at this point.
A special thanks to SI and Cheyanne for sending in the sighting reports. If anyone else seen this possible Thunderbird, please file it with us using the Report a sighting link.
It was not very long ago, that I got a report from very close to the area where these 2 reports come from. I actually conducted a phone interview with the witness. You can read the report and listen to the interview by Clicking Here. This report was very credible in my opinion. These 2 new reports could add even more credibility to the Thunderbird sightings phenomenon.

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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