The Famous
Ohio Hovering Craft
UFO or No?
By Dorraine
all UFO’s are actually flying objects.
May 25, 2016 while watching a notable sunset over Dayton, Ohio,
locals spotted a large object hovering overhead that appeared to just
be sitting still in the heavy clouds. And the object was seen by
Dayton inhabitants three separate times. So there was plenty of time
and opportunity to get good video and photographic footage.
interesting thing about this object was that it was hovering
suspiciously close to the air space over Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, which leads witnesses to speculate a lot about the object’s
origins. Not a lot is known about the goings on at Wright-Patt, but
it is known to have been the center hub of a government project to
investigate UFO’s and extraterrestrial sightings that was taking
place in the 1950’s and 60’s.
So, one has to wonder, is this a new type of drone
capable of sitting in a fixed position in the sky? Or is the Air
Force experimenting with some elusive alien hovering technology?
Either way, they’re not trying to hide it very well, as this video
indicates. Check it out and see what you think.
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