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Monday, January 25, 2016

First, let me start by saying I was somewhat of a fan of the old X files show, even though due to my work schedule I was not able to watch it very often. I did make sure to watch the 2 feature films when they came out.

Now, 13 years after the original series ended, the show has been brought back. It's being called the next chapter of the series. It is also being called a reboot by some, I personally don't like that term, maybe it's due to all the "reboot" movies that have/are coming out, and most have been terrible. I would prefer a "continuation" of the series to the word "reboot", but that is just me.

Anytime you re-launch a previously successful TV show or movie, you run the risk of destroying it in the eyes of the fans. I'm sure we could sit and count the numerous flops over the years. But with the X files, it appeals to a special type of audience. One that in many ways is far more critical when it comes to our favorite movies and TV shows. Some have and will continue to call the show boring, but for me and millions of other fans, it's far from boring.

So, how was the new X files?

Well, in a nut shell.....it was totally AWESOME!
David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson faultlessly step right back into their previous roles without ever skipping a beat. The two work with the same chemistry as they had before, it was impressive. Some may want to critique their acting ability, and that is fine, but they continue to capture their characters as well as they did in the past.

The plot of the show remains true to days gone by but with some added twist to bring it up to current issues. Issues such as false flags, government take over, and flashy conspiracy shows. I could say more but I try not to post spoilers.

The first episode is loaded with a lot of stuff to keep UFO fans happy. Almost ever aspect UFO fans and researchers consider corner stones are there. Roswell, alien abduction, hybridization, cover ups and more are all there. I particularly liked the Roswell part, it was really cool and without spoiling anything, lets just say episode 1 ended with a big bang. I was also thankful the original intro music was kept.    

So, in my opinion, the show was really good and fans of the old show should not be disappointed. I think with this "continuation" of X-Files there will be a whole new audience hooked on The X Files.

Also, in my opinion, we have been missing a show of this type. Yes, we have other paranormal shows, but for the most part they are more of a documentary type thing or the dreaded docudrama. The X files, effectively  blends in the things UFO fans and researcher like, while creating interesting drama and various sub plots. 

Now, if you did not watch last nights show, you need to get caught up because another awesome show will be on tonight.

If you missed last nights show, watch it now online by Clicking Here!

I'm sure, I will be tuning in tonight and you will be too after watching the first episode.

Bravo Fox, Bravo!

Oh, and yes

The TRUTH is Out There!


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet

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