The above picture recently emerged on facebook. It was presented by California Native Entities and Bigfoot Forum . The back story is that the picture was taken by Mr. Phillip Newell, it was taken near the rural community of Hyampom, an area in NorCal which is currently surrounded by wild fires.
The picture is being presented as being a real bigfoot and in the write up they say "It is not a place that would be easy to set up a hoax, especially with the danger of fires and smoke in the area..."
But if we examine the photo more closely, it is easy to determine the danger of creating this hoax was set at about zero.
First let zoom in on the figure in the picture. The stance looks very familiar. In fact it looks an awful lot like the popular bigfoot statue that is sold.

Here is a picture of said statue. Looks to be the very same one to me. This photo of the statue was provided by TCC's Bobby Long.
So, I guess the next question is why or better yet how did they drag this massive and very heavy statue out in the woods to fake this photo? Well, they didn't have too.
Here is a link to a cell phone app, that will let you add, crop, change lighting and more to any picture taken with a cell phone. And guess what? it has 20 different styles of bigfoot, including the picture of the bigfoot statue. Here is a picture of the cell phone app bigfoots with the statue bigfoot circled.
So, sadly this is nothing more that another hoax and a very lazy one at that.
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Very close, but the angle between the left arm and body appears to be less than the angle of the statue's arm as depicted in the photo.
ReplyDeleteit's the same statue, just the angle is slight different. With the app you can change the size of the figure, the lighting, you can even blur it ....
ReplyDeleteI would attempt to contact the firefighter before dismissing it entirely.
ReplyDeleteSo this is the way Bigfoot sightings are judged? It looks like the statue? Why wouldn't it look somewhat like the statue? Anyone with good eyesight can tell that the pose is not the same as the statue.
ReplyDeleteexcept it is exactly like the one in the app.