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Friday, January 9, 2015

Expedition Unknown

Last night was the 2 hour premier episode of Expedition Unknown featuring Josh Gates. Most of you are already aware of Gates from his past show Destination Truth, which was on the SyFy Channel.

Expedition Unknown's first episode had Gates hot on the trail of famous missing pilot Amelia Earhart. Gates travels to Papua New Guinea (PNG) and pursues several leads which has him covering several areas. PNG, as it is called, is very diverse culturally and it is estimated that there is over 1,000 culture groups. With 848 languages, Gates, has some helpers in the form of interpreters.

It was interesting seeing the tribes in this area, as they came out to welcome Gates in the full tribal decor. There where some tense moments, after all this is a place where you may have be killed and eaten in days gone by.

The episode's central focus was on the discovery of a box full of bones, that very possibly could have been the bones of Amelia Earhart. Gates has to talk to a lot of people to chase down the whereabouts of the bones. He finally ends up digging in the area where the bones where discovered in the box by a then 13 year old boy.

During the episode there is also some investigating of crashed aircraft in an attempt to local the plane Earhart was piloting. It also leads to some water searching and diving, which adds to the excitement.

Josh Gates, is witty and likable in Expedition Unknown and the show is very reminisce in style as his former gig, Destination Truth.

I found this episode to be filled with interesting information and enjoyed the awesome scenery of PNG. With the advertisement of future episodes making several cameos last night, the show looks like it will be as fun and entertaining as anything currently offered.

If there is one thing that disappointed me, it would be that there doesn't appears to be any shows featuring cryptids. I hope this changes and it very well could. It would also be nice to see Gates bring in some of is old team for a few shows as well. We all remember the chemistry between Gates and Jael de Pardo from Fact or Faked, right? Jael made many appearances on Destination Truth and they played off of each other very well.    

So, in closing, let me say if you enjoyed watching Josh Gates on his last show, then you should also find Expedition Unknown to your liking. Welcome Back Josh!

My final rating for this Episode
4 out of 5      


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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  1. Tom, I just happened to come across your site while looking for Expedition Unknown reviews. I really enjoyed Destination Truth and I loved the first episode of EU. Yeah it can be a little cheesy sometimes but I love the fact that Josh has a sense of humor yet is serious when the time is right. I really don't care if he ever finds what he is looking for as I love the history, sites and story! Can't wait for more!

  2. i love expedition unknown. I love seeing places I know I will never see in person. but that's okay because josh gates brings it to life. keep em coming. I record it when I'm not at home so I never miss it.

    1. It was pretty good last night. I enjoyed it.

      The Crypto Crew

  3. Expedition Unknown sucks! He never finds what he is supposedly looking for. The viewer is led up to the final buildup near the end of the show, then...gee whiz sorry guys, too dangerous or not where it was supposed to be..blah, blah, blah.

  4. This show sucks so bad now!!!!!! Can't stand seeing it in commercials even!!!!

  5. Josh is effin annoying and he sucks, another attention ho like Zac Bagans on Ghost Adv..Destination Untruth is just as bad..listening to this guy talk, I feel I age 5 to 10 years every time

  6. Garbage. I have seen a LOT of trash on TV (Kardashians) and whatnot, this guy travels the globe reading wikipedia articles and "adventuring" pin point locations researched by other people while taking all the glory.. of they ever found anything.


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