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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Last post of 2014!

Its finally here...the last post of 2014. As I sit here and reflect on this past year I'm a little disappointed that I didn't get more time in the mountains and get more accomplished. It seems this year our team was swamped with life events. Every thing from sickness to work obligations and it kept us from spending as much time as we normally do in the research field and pursuing stories.

Even with the up hill battle that 2014 presented to TCC, we still managed to make some contributions and add a couple new Team Members.

In 2014, we managed to release 2 video documentaries, Bigfoot:The Evidence Files and Oregon Home Of Bigfoot?, both of which are available on Amazon.com. So, Bigfoot remained a big topic for us and we posted over 45 sighting reports or Bigfoot related post. TCC, also presented over 20 interviews, some written and some audio/video. Some interviews were with other researchers including Cliff Barackman from the hit TV show Finding Bigfoot.

Our next biggest topic was UFOs. We logged over 10 UFO related post. Which also included some UFO videos from Chris Light.

One surprising topic for me personally was the logging of at least 5 Thunderbird reports.

On top of all of this we also managed to post up several book and movie reviews along with many other related post about everything from ghost to reincarnation. We will end up with over 240 total post which is a little down for us but with all things considered, it's not too bad.

We also added many videos to our Youtube and DailyMotion accounts. So all in all it was a productive year but we want to do even more in 2015.

We also had a few awards this past year, which we are proud of.
Paranormal Film Award 2014 - Winner -Thomas Marcum of The Crypto Crew with Bigfoot: Tracking A Legend.
Investigator of The Year 2014 BF - Winner - Thomas Marcum of Crypto Crew.
Researcher of The Year 2014 BF – Winner - Jason Morse of Crypto Crew.
Picture of The Year 2014 BF – Winner - Thomas Marcum of Crypto Crew.

In the coming new year we hope to step it up and bring our wonderful readers and supporters more great stories and reports. I personally plan on spending more time in the mountains this coming year and plan on traveling some.

On the Bigfoot front I hope to add more game cameras to my stock of Bigfoot hunting materials and I would really like to get me a thermal imager but ...they are so costly...I don't see it happening.

Anyways, a BIG thanks to all those who have followed us the last few years and here is to wishing you and us a Great 2015!!!

Happy New Year from The Crypto Crew Team!!!


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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