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Thursday, July 3, 2014

Researcher Stephen Reynolds

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

Interview with Researcher Stephen Reynolds
The interview series continues with our 12th installment.  We talk with Stephen Reynolds from the Bigfoot Network of the Midwest. Stephen is located and conducts research in Iowa. We recently featured a Sightings Report from the same general area where Stephen had some sightings.

- Start Interview -

Tom: How long have you been researching/studying Bigfoot?
SR: About 15 years. 

Tom: What got you interested in Bigfoot, Was there a particular event that got you started?
SR: Yes, I had a road crossing sighting in 2007.

Tom: During your research/studying of Bigfoot, have you ever encountered aggressive behavior or felt in danger from a Bigfoot?
SR: I was dumbfounded at first when I saw it, but then I got scared because it was much bigger then me and I'm 6.1 and285lbs. But I was frightened..

Tom: It seems Skeptics are always ready to attack Bigfoot research, How do you deal with it?
SR: I've been in some heated debates with skeptics, and most of the time you cant change a skeptics mind so I thank them for their opinion and I move on.

Tom: Would you like to see Bigfoot accepted and/or proven to the general public?
SR: yes, to know what these creatures are and etc. 

Tom: What is your favorite time of year to research/study Bigfoot, When do you have your most success?
SR: Spring to late fall, late fall.

Tom: Do you have a favorite Bigfoot story or report?
SR: My favorite report is mine, its where I took several photographs of bigfoot type creatures on the shoreline of a island on the Mississippi river on 10-16-2012. (Photo Below)

Tom: What would you be doing if you wasn't researching/studying Bigfoot?
SR: Enjoying fishing, hunting, and enjoying the great outdoors, without looking over my shoulder.

TM: Thanks for doing the interview. Good luck with your research and let us know about your findings.

- End Interview -

Here is the photo Stephen sent to us show what appears to be figures on the shoreline. I slightly adjusted the photo to clear it up a little.
2 bigfoot by Stephen Reynolds


[Halloween is just around the corner, be ready and check out Irish paranormal news with Halloween stories, Halloween costumes ideas and local ghost stories.]

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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