This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
Interview with E.C.B.R.O. Founder - Daniel Benoit
It's time for our third installment of the short interviews series with people from the World of Bigfoot.
In this interview we talk to Daniel Benoit - Founder of the E.C.B.R.O. (east coast bigfoot researchers organization). You can check out their website by Clicking Here, Their Facebook page by Clicking Here and their Wordpress Site by Clicking Here.
Tom: How long have you been researching/studying bigfoot?
DB: I've been studying and researching Bigfoot for the Last 5 years.
Tom: What got you interested in Bigfoot, Was there a particular event that got you started?
DB: What got me interested in bigfoot well; that thought had always remained in the back of my head over the years since my young youth and then it happened to creep out a little more after reviewing the Roger Patterson & Bob Gimlin footage, and of course we can not forget Harry and the Hendersons, A modern day film that opened our minds even more. So Time went by and little by little I started to look into a few possibilities - then I found myself researching, Reading, online research, In the Field observations and making my own discoveries, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and Virginia are locations I alone have researched and found all the various signs of Evidence that gave me the understanding, but it wasn't until I started researching our known Primates that these different findings came to make sense of a lot of the puzzle.
Tom: During your research/studying of Bigfoot, have you ever encountered aggressive behavior or felt in danger from a bigfoot?
DB: I never, not once came across any aggressive behavior, In the one encounter I did have with the 2 subjects they both clearly showed a great deal of curiosity of who and what we were as well as we to them. They showed caution upon us by moving back away a few yards from where we first noticed them noticing us.
Tom: It seems Skeptics are always ready to attack bigfoot research, How do you deal with it?
DB: With skeptics - well this is often a common issue I face because I am not ashamed of what I know or believe in - To any skeptic or non believer I tell them this - Sorry for what you do not know or believe but until you start seeking you will not find, and What is meant to be will happen in do time.
Tom: Would you like to see Bigfoot accepted and/or proven to the general public?
DB: Bigfoot accepted : well yes I would but most importantly known, understood, and protected . The ECBRO Discovery Project is in effect to assure this will happen, also educate many on we have among us.
Tom: What is your favorite time of year to research/study bigfoot, When do you have your most success?
DB: My favorite time of year to research is early spring , and early fall , But yes I do research all year around when time permits.
Tom: Do you have a favorite Bigfoot story or report?
DB: All my favorite stories or reports are every time I conduct research.
Tom: What would you be doing if you wasn't researching/studying bigfoot?
DB: What would I be doing if I wasn't Bigfooting ? Well who really knows - No matter what I will never give up loving the outdoors, perhaps I would be researching the rest of wild life like I do now along with Bigfoot.
Thanks for taking the time to do our little interview and good luck with all your research and the many things you do for the bigfoot community.
- End Interview
Remember folks, check out and support Bigfoot research and researchers. Many of us are self funded and your support and encouraging words are a big help to us.
So far I have got to interview some great people and they are worthy of support. I look forward to bringing you more from this series in the near future. We already have a few others that have been interviewed and I'm trying to line up more. So far I have found it interesting at how some of the answers are similar and how some are different.
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