Corey Holden Bigfoot Researcher |
This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.
Interview with Bigfoot Researcher Corey Holden
The 10th installment of the interview series, who would have thought we could make it this far. The interviews have been good and the varying answers have been interesting. In this interview we talk with Corey Holden, Corey is active in the bigfoot research field and is having bigfoot activity around Lacey-Keosauqua State Park in Iowa.- Start Interview -
Tom: How long have you been researching/studying Bigfoot?
CH: I've been researching bigfoot since 2000 and still doing it in same area.
Tom: What got you interested in Bigfoot, Was there a particular event that got you started?
CH: I've been into bigfoot since I was in grade school and I remember running home since I thought I was being watched by one.
Tom: During your research/studying of Bigfoot, have you ever encountered aggressive behavior or felt in danger from a Bigfoot?
CH: I've had bigfoot all around me in Lacey-Keosauqua State Park and never been threatened by them despite having a big rock hit the water close to us.
Tom: It seems Skeptics are always ready to attack Bigfoot research, How do you deal with it?
CH: I don't let the skeptics get to me. I just laugh at them and go on.
Tom: Would you like to see Bigfoot accepted and/or proven to the general public?
CH: I don't know if I'd want the public to know about bigfoot, then it wouldn't be a mystery to anyone or it'd start a war.
Tom: What is your favorite time of year to research/study Bigfoot, When do you have your most success?
CH: I have the most bigfoot activity during July and October.
Tom: Do you have a favorite Bigfoot story or report?
CH: Yes, I have a favorite story and encounter that always seems to get people attacking me. I was birding watching on Bear Creek in Van Buren County Iowa on October 19,2002. It was a warm sunny day and it was right at noon. As I went around the bend I heard a loud ruckus and I looked over just in time to see a huge gray creature rise up between two big cottonwood trees only to vanish before my eyes. It looked like it went up one of the trees so I rushed right over and looked up to only not see it up there. I was about 100 feet away and there is no doubt that I had just seen a huge sasquatch. I didn't give it time to escape and I didn't hear it go up the bluff or run off through the field. It was there then it was gone in matter of seconds. I just stood there all confused and looking around. I remember small birds scattering about in nearby bushes. I noticed the weeds were all laid down between the two trees and you could tell something was laying there. Later after that I noticed a bunch of chew marks on one of the trees. Last year I discovered a tree by the bluff that has several big limbs twisted down and looks like a tree break which I never seen back in 2002. I took a bunch of pics with my smartphone and they all turned out blurry some were very blurry and with my old cellphone and turned out blurry as well. I am very confident what I saw was a huge gray bigfoot that turned invisible that day. I will never forget it!
Tom: What would you be doing if you wasn't researching/studying Bigfoot?
CH: If I wasn't researching bigfoot I'd probably be researching other cryptid animals in the country..
Thanks for doing the interview, Keep us post on your results around Lacey-Keosauqua State Park.
- End Interview -
Thanks again to all the people who have taken part in this interview series. I hope to have a new round of researchers in the near future.
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I have seen Corey out hunting Bigfoot. I fear for his safety because of the large amount of activity by these animals. He just walks around looking with little regard for his own safety.