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Monday, April 28, 2014

Thunderbirds in Montana
Thunderbirds in Montana (Mock Up Photo)

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

Thunderbird Sighting in Montana

I recently got in a report about a Thunderbird sighting in Montana and wanted to share it with everyone. I have also started adding theses type of sightings to our sightings map.

Name: Matthew O'Brien
Email Address: *****************
State: Montana
County: Unsure - along 1-90
Date of Sighting: October 1987
Time of Day: Afternoon
Nearest Town: Unsure
Length of Sighting: 15 seconds or less
How many Witnesses: 2 - Me and my Father
Any Photos/Videos: No
Describe sighting in detail: While on a road trip with my dad, middle of Montana on 1-90, the giant bird flew over us, flying south to north.  Largest bird I have ever seen, bigger than an eagle or turkey vulture.  Estimate wingspan of 15-20 feet.  Shaped like a bird of prey.  Brief sighting, as we were driving at 60mph on the freeway.  Saw it through the windshield for 10 or 15 seconds before we weren't under it anymore.  It was perhaps a few hundred feet up in the air.

Here is a general map of I-90
I-90 - the middle of nowhere.

Have you seen a Thunderbird? if so report it to us by Clicking Here!


[original source photo: Our Life Experiments ]

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Monday, April 28, 2014 6 comments » by Thomas Marcum
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  1. Couple of hundred feet in the air? Hmmmm, I think that's a particular breed of thunderbird that the Cheyennes used to call ayre-plains.

  2. Hey if i was that giant bird i also would hide away so these goverment buricrats could lay their hands on me

  3. I caught pics of this bird on my trailcam back in 2010 in Sanders County! I since lost the pic that was on an old cpu. I had a goat die, hauled it deep into the woods on the property & put a trail cam by it to get some wildlife pics..
    The bird fed off the goat & I estimated
    The bird at around 5 times the wingspan of the length of the full grown goat & about 4 to 5 feet tall!


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