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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Buddhist cycle of reincarnation
Wheel of Reincarnation, which outlines the Buddhist cycle of reincarnation

This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne! 

Learning To Read The Signs Of Your Past Life
By Dorraine Fisher

So you don’t think you’ve lived before? If you observe yourself more closely, there are many things that might make you wonder. What about those things about yourself that defy explanation? All those things about your character that seemingly came from nowhere and for no apparent reason? Are there things about yourself you just don’t understand? Why do you feel the way you do about certain things? Past life researchers claim that all these details could be clues to what may have been your past life experiences.

Personality Traits: Are there aspects of your personality with no genetic explanation? Traits that don’t resemble those of your parents or anyone in your family? Do your family members joke that you can’t possibly be related to them because of it? Whether it’s good or bad, this could be a trait you picked up in your experiences in a past life.

Dreams: Do you ever have dreams that seem very vivid and are historically accurate? Are you wearing period dress for the time? Does everything in the dream fit the template for a certain period in history? This could actually be a memory of events that took place in a past life. Have you ever had a dream about someone you know? Maybe you know the person, but he/she doesn’t look the same in the dream. Past life researchers say that we all tend to stay with the same souls throughout numerous incarnations. So these dreams can be telling you who this person was in a previous life. The dreams may be pointing to a recollection of them in a past life in this particular period in history.

Your Comfort Level: Why do we feel more comfortable in certain settings and not others? It could have something to do with our state of mind in these settings in a former life. Do you love the mountains? Does the seaside feel more like home to you? Do you suddenly feel exposed when the landscape becomes devoid of trees? Do you prefer small houses to large ones? All these can indicate where you have lived and been happy and most comfortable in your past lives. You may have been happy in your home in the mountains in a past life, and this may determine why you might feel more peaceful in the mountains in this life. If you feel more comfortable in small houses, you may have been a member of a clan or tribe in a past life that occupied tents, huts, or other small dwellings.

Unfinished Business: Have you had an ambition or drive to do something almost since the day you were born? Did your parents say you started doing this from the day you started to walk or talk? This is an indication of some unfinished business from a previous life. Something may have happened in that life that kept you from succeeding at this occupation you loved the most, and you may have naturally picked up, in this life, where you left off.

Affinity For Travel: Even though you live in one place, do you long to live somewhere else? Do you travel there as often as you can and feel connected to this place for no apparent reason? Did you fall in love with a travel destination before you even got there? Do you dream of moving to some other place in the world even though you’ve never been there and only know if from pictures? It might be that you just like the landscape and the culture, or it just might be that you’ve lived there before in a past life. This place might feel like home because it has been your home before in a past life.

Unexplained Fears: Do you have a terrible phobia about something and you have no idea why? Maybe you fear something like the water but have never had any bad experience in water to cause the problem. So it may be possible that you had a negative experience in water in a past life. Maybe you drowned or maybe someone drowned you.

Unexplained Pain: Thousands of people are plagued with chronic pain, but quite often, the cause of it is not known. But past life researchers now believe that many cases of chronic pain can be traced back to some kind of accident or trauma in a past life. I.E. some who experience strange unexplained neck pain, often find under past life regression hypnosis, that they were hanged or strangled in a previous life.

Birthmarks: Do you have or know someone with a strange or otherwise significant birthmark? Do they strangely resemble scars or wounds? Some individuals with these kinds of birthmarks, with the help of past life regression therapy, have found they were injured or even mortally wounded in a previous life. And their birthmarks in this life will resemble the scar or wound they received in a previous life.

Incidents of Déjà vu: Have you ever gone to a place you know you’ve never been before, but when you get there, it feels strangely familiar? Have you had something happen to you that seems familiar, but you know it’s never happened before? It’s possible it actually has happened or you have been to this place before in a previous life and have suddenly been reminded of it in this life.

Children’s Tales: Have you ever known a small child to tell a fantastic story? Sometimes they tell long, elaborate tales with themselves as the main character. And quite often these stories are about things they couldn’t have possibly experienced in real life. Are these stories just products of an active imagination, or something else? Researchers say that children recall past lives more easily and they lose those memories as they grow older. It’s possible that these stories they tell could be recollections of events that took place in a past life.

Of course there is no real, hard scientific proof that reincarnation is real. But researchers are putting together a huge body of past life cases and there are many consistencies with people who make these claims. But past life regression therapists are reporting amazing results from these recollections of patients under hypnosis. It seems that some problems that plague us in this life can be alleviated by understanding what happened in our past life and what may have caused the problem in the first place. It seems to give patients some closure and a reason why. Once they know the reason they are the way they are, they can move on and find some peace. That alone is worth considering the possibilities. *******DF

[Also Read: Soul Series part 1 Soul Series part 2 Soul Series part 3 ]

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Thursday, March 06, 2014 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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