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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Game cam photo of possible bigfoot!
Possible Bigfoot Eye shine
This photo comes to us from fellow Kentuckian D.Neal (aka: Biggyfoot).
Here is what he told about the photo.

"Taken with a trail camera set up on my Deer hunting lease back in 2008.
After several weeks of research and measuring it was found that the possible "eye-shine" was at 7'4". Since 2008 I have found 2 nice tree structures and a tee-pee like structure. Pretty awesome stuff.
After this pic was captured we went and did several days of research and investigations concerning this pic. This is a huge trail, or open walkway if you will that goes back for several hundred yards. In the vicinity of the actual eye shine there is NO limbs or branches to hold an Owl or a Raccoon.
I still have this same property under lease and have found 2 great tree structures there also. Not much as far as sounds."

D. Neal recently gave me more info about how the picture has been studied.
Here is what he told me.

"When I first captured it a Photo expert with the BFRO studied it and said that it almost appeared as if the light was "emitting' from the eyes, but yet it was NOT anything electrical but he could vaguely make out a form. Then a photo expert from Owensboro took the original pic and worked with it for several days, SHE was NOT a believed in Bigfoot. To her surprise she said she was able to also make out a form, or a figure around and under the eye-shine that resembled a tall standing figure. Today she is a believer in Bigfoot."

but that's not all, Neal continued

"A Crime Scene annalist used a $25000 piece of machinery that studies photos and breaks them down did so on this pic. Although she couldn't make out a form or figure (she didn't have the original, just a copy) she did conclude that the eye-shine was NOT from a man made object, or an electrical source, and that it was not from an airplane or a car."

I have attempt to do some slight enhancement to the photo myself, here is my efforts.

Game cam photo of possible bigfoot!

Game cam photo of possible bigfoot!

This is a pretty cool photo and we thank D. Neal for letting us sharing the photo and the story.


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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