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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clay model of the creature
Larry Surface video and clay model

I was contacted  by our friend Larry Surface and he pointed out how the Mark Hubbard photo looked somewhat like the still frame and clay model from his video.

Larry said "I was struck by the similarity of the Hubbard photo and my video subject."

The clay model of the Surface video was based on several different frames where individual features could be seen.

Here is an enhancement I did of the Mark Hubbard photo, Can you see the similarities?
Enhancement of the Hubbard photo

For those who are not aware of or would like to view the Larry Surface video. Here is a link

You can also view more enhancements and the original Hubbard photo by Clicking Here!

It should also be noted that the Surface video was shot in Ohio and the Hubbard photo was taken in Oregon.


[Thanks : Mark Hubbard, Larry Surface]

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  1. How does a night-vision video of an old man with his shirt off pass as a sasquatch video?

    1. The Surface Video has been debated and there are people on both sides of the video.

      *Oops left out the word video -


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