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Sunday, June 30, 2013

We took a trip today to Cumberland Falls State Park, While there I ran into Robert Mullinax.
Robert is a Native American Flutist and artist. I took this chance to conduct an interview with Robert. The sound is a bit low and you can hear the roar of the Cumberland Falls in the background but over all the interview turned out good. We talk a little about Native Americans and sasquatch at the end of the video.
Robert's flute music is so relaxing, if you would like to purchase one of his CDs then please go to his facebook page by Clicking Here!   

Robert Mullinax

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  1. I was so happy to find your video interview of this guy. We visited Cumberland Falls a couple of weeks ago, and I snapped a photo of Robert. I love stuff like this! Anywho, I decided to feature Cumberland Falls on my Wordless (or not-so-wordless) Wednesday post this week. I am including the picture of Robert (his Facebook link) for others to get to know him, as well as your video. Feel free to drop by. Have a good week!

    1. Thanks Cathy, I also have a post about the ghost of Cumberland falls. You might want to check it out as well.


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