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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher
Professional Writer, a nature and wildlife enthusiast who has written for many magazines.

Eye Witness To The Seljord Serpent
Adam Davies Talks About The Latest Footage And His Own Encounter With The Creature
By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher

            We were pretty excited about the new footage of Selma, the creature described as a giant eel that is said to inhabit the frigid waters of Seljord Lake in Norway.  It’s the best footage yet of the creature. And I was also excited to remember I knew someone who said he’d actually seen the creature in the flesh.
            Adam Davies, affectionately know by our team as the “Extreme Monster Hunter,” was on an expedition in Norway back in August of 1999 with a research team “comprised of Swedes, Brits, and a Belgian,” he told me. And he described to me what he saw that day.
            “It rose to the surface about 15 feet from the small rowing boat I was in. It was black in color, and I could clearly see three humps as it traveled through the lake in an undulating motion. I never saw its head,” he explained.  “But what was particularly interesting about it, was that it appeared to have some barbs on its spine, which look very like the old woodcuts.”
            Adam was describing the old wood carvings that depicted the creature centuries ago when sea monsters were believed to inhabit the large bodies of water around the world. Selma, as the stories are told, would definitely fit that description. And if proved real, would allow us to believe that ancient sailors weren’t so crazy after all. It seems there has been plenty of activity in the lake to conclude the creature is real.
            Adam also added, “The science behind it was very persuasive indeed. We dropped a hydrophone in the water, and the emissions we recorded were analyzed by the Marine Research Institute in Bergen.
Their conclusion: "It astounds me to say that this is a unique species! The serpent is a real, unique species.”
            So I thought I’d show Adam this recent footage and hear his thoughts about it.
            “The film is excellent,” he said.  “And based on my experience, I would say that the young lady has witnessed one herself.”
            And leave it to Adam and his team to paddle out into the middle of Seljord Lake in nothing more than a small rowboat in search of evidence of the creature. That’s why we love him, and that’s why we call him the “Extreme Monster Hunter.” *******DF
Here is the Recent Footage
 [[Note: Dorraine also interviewed Mr. Davies a little while back - read it by Clicking Here! ]
[Special thanks to Adam Davies for sharing his encounter with The Crypto Crew.]

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1 comment:

  1. Adam Davies, passionately know by our group as the “Extreme Beast Seeker,” was on an adventure in Norwegian returning in Aug of 1999 with a analysis group “comprised of Swedes, Britons, and a Belgian,” he informed me. And he described to me what he saw that day.


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