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Monday, March 11, 2013

This investigation/research by TCC Team Members Bobby & Corinna Long
Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.

Feb. 19,2013 - Howls & Knocks heard by Robert and Amanda  Near Myrtle Creek, OR.
It was in the morning, there was No sighting, just howls that seemed not normal to animals in the area.
The howls lasted about 10 seconds. Robert was unable to record the sound before it ended. Robert also reports that his girlfriend has heard tree knocking on more than one occasion. We hope to interview her soon to get more details.
Although this is inconclusive it has merit as this is close to where Corinna and I had an encounter in 2004, this area is just a short distance as the crow flies.
We were in this area on Monday March 4, 2013 for a follow up on the report and only encountered deer, turkeys and birds. There are plenty of food, water sources and dense forest with brush to hide in.
Look for a follow up report in the future.
GPS: 43.09828N, 123.21499W
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Monday, March 11, 2013 1 comment » by Thomas Marcum
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1 comment:

  1. The spooky late-night serenades started in Nov and project from a brushy swamp on the Umatilla Native indian Booking eastern of Pendleton. The yowls variety from high-pitched shouts to basso profundo roars.


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