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Thursday, March 28, 2013

This is a new video analysis by the Facebook/Findbigfoot

Sasquatch sighting on 3/2/2013 Taken by Mike and his 14 year old son on March 2nd 2013 are driving on Myakka State Park road when they see a Sasquatch standing in a field apparently chasing deer.

In my opinion it is just to far away to say it is for sure a bigfoot. The guys at FB/FB have authenticated this as a real bigfoot and while I think it has some potential there is just not enough to say for sure.


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  1. This FBFB dude is a joke. He thinks EVERYTHING is BigFoot.

  2. At that distance and with that quality of photos, there is no way to "authenticate" this as anything.... What would be intersting is to see the photos taken by the woman standing next to them with the telephoto lense on her camera....

  3. " What would be intersting is to see the photos taken by the woman standing next to them with the telephoto lense on her camera...."

    YES! That's what I thought. Damn. Why hasn't SHE come forward? Guess lesson is, get names and numbers of any other witnesses, like it was a car accident or something...

  4. I used to think FB/FB was a fairly legit page. Those days are long gone. Now they're pissing on my leg and telling me it's raining.

  5. Well what kind of got me, with this video, was how no one in the video is excited to be seeing something rare or something they had never seen before.
    thanks for the comments


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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