Bigfoot The Lost Coast Tapes
Rated: Not Rated
(Does contain strong language)
Running Time: 89 minutes
DVD Movie Review
Thomas Marcum
I didn't really know much about this movie but after reading the back of the case I thought it sounded like it could be good. Here is the basic plotline: A documentary film crew hears of a hunters claims of having the body of a dead sasquatch, so they get in contact with him and meet up to see the body. All the while filming and documenting every step of the adventure expecting to expose it all as a hoax.
At the first of the movie it has a real Blair Witch type feeling to it, with the first person filming, but after the movie gets going a little and the group gets into the woods the camcorder effect is much less and makes the movie more watchable.
The acting is better than average and the mountain scenery is beautiful, it was filmed in an area of Northern California. There are some good line exchanges between the "believers" and "skeptics" during the film about the real world bigfoot film by Roger Patterson, which adds to the films content and is a plus in my opinion.
As the movie moves along there is a good build up of mystery after some events happen at the cabin, but sadly the movie takes a major nose dive in the last quarter of the film. I don't want to give away too much, but after finishing the movie I felt like the film makers really missed a big opportunity at having something truly special with the film by blowing the ending. It's the last 20-30 minutes of the movie that really brings it down, in my opinion, as it turns into a typical blood and guts horror movie. Still the trip of the skeptics to believers is a enjoyable ride.
The only other real problem I had with the movie was that you never really see bigfoot, only some faint outlines or maybe a quick foot shot, Another lost opportunity.
All in all I enjoyed the film but would love to go back and rewrite the last 30 minutes of it. This is one of the better bigfoot films and should be watched by the bigfoot community.
Rating: 3 out of 5
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