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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jack Brody UFO photo
On Sunday, May 27, Jack Brody was playing in the garden of his family home in Loughton, when he noticed a tiny silver object glittering in the clear blue sky far above. Jack ran inside, grabbed a camera and took a photograph of the object.
Jack’s father Simon, 39, said: “I got back from a walk and Jack ran up to me and said ‘you will not believe what I got a picture of.
“He pointed at this thing that was so small that you could barely see it. It was up there glimmering in the sun.
“When we zoomed in and looked at the picture closer I said to my friend, who was visiting, ‘you have to come and see this.’ “ “We just could not work out what it was. It is a kind of silver circular thing. It is very odd.
“We have heard some people say that it must be a weather balloon, but the way it moved I just don’t think it could have been.
“When a plane came close to it it was there one minute and the next minute it was not, you could not hear it fly off, you just could not see it again.
“It is funny, committed UFO spotters who spend years trying to get pictures would not be able to get one that is that good.”
Simon also said " I can assure you this is a real picture, we are not only incapable of faking a picture , we would have no need to. We are not claiming aliens we are just showing a picture."

If anyone has an idea what this is please let us know.



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Thursday, June 14, 2012 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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