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Thursday, May 31, 2012


Bigfoot in Kentucky

Thomas Marcum

Over the recent years it seems Kentucky has become sort of a hot spot for bigfoot sightings.
Several TV shows have came to Kentucky in search of the elusive creature many in the state call "woodbooger".

Bigfoot reports back in the 1800's referred to the creature as "wildman" but over time it has been called many different names and been seen often.

According to the BFRO's  sighting reports (Found Here) for Kentucky there have been 85 possible bigfoot sightings. It's good to keep in mind that many sightings go unreported and others are reported to other groups like ours and others,we have one report ourselves dating back into the 1940's and there was also a report a few years back about a lady hitting a bigfoot with her car and hair was collected and send off for analysis. I never did find out much more about the hit and run case or the results of the hair sample.

There are several research groups in and around Kentucky that try to track reports and sightings.
Kentucky bigfoot is a very popular group in KY that also have a county by county listing of bigfoot reports. Carter county seems to have the most reported sightings, topping in at 13 total listings. Many reports listed fall within 2006-2011 range, so it seems to still be an active area.
Carter Caves State Resort Park seems to be the most active area or "hot spot".

Another popular Kentucky Group is BFRPKY (The Bigfoot Research Project Kentucky). The Director of Operations is Chris Bennett. Chris is also co-host for squatchdetectiveradio.com, which is a internet talk show about bigfoot. They really help keep everyone up to date on the latest happenings around the bigfoot community.

Many of you have no doubt heard of The Erickson Project (Found Here) and their now some what famous "Matilda" sleeping bigfoot photo.


This photo is from a reported video filmed in Kentucky in which Matilda is filmed at close range and in HD. This filming took place over several months and it is commonly reported that the video follows Matilda during a pregnancy.
It has long been rumored that The Erickson Project Team will at some point release a video of this footage and many others. One can't talk about The Erickson video without referring to Dr. Melba ketchum's reported and up coming DNA paper confirming that bigfoot is in fact a real creature.Ketchum's paper is said to include several DNA samples from Kentucky.
Some say the EP video will release around the same time as the DNA paper to maximize and capitalize on all the hype.
Another reportedly included video in the EP video is a 2005 clip featuring a juvenile bigfoot feeding on pancakes.
The clip was shot in Kentucky. The pancake video was leaked to the Internet and created a big controversy. It is reported that Adrian Erickson purchased the video for $20,000 and will include it in the final video release.

Still frame from the pancake video 
I would guess that one of Kentucky's most famous bigfoot stories is the one that involves Daniel Boone. It seems Boone told of killing a ten-foot, hairy giant he called a "Yahoo". Most assume that Boone killed what we now call a Bigfoot and it seems to be a fair assumption.
The early pioneer settlers and explorers of KY would have likely been the first white men to set eyes on these large, elusive creatures,so the idea of killing one does not seem that far fetched.

Many are quick to point out that Boone liked to tell tall tales and dismiss his story completely but given the history of bigfoot sightings in Kentucky, it has just as much if not more of a chance of being totally true.

Kentucky is well suited as a place for bigfoot to live. Kentucky has twelve million acres,47 percent of Kentucky's 25,425,904 acres are covered in forest. Of the 12 million acres of forest, 11.6 million is classified as timberland.
Kentucky is loaded with lots of fresh water lakes,streams and a large population of deer and other game.

Here is some facts about Kentucky forest.
* Kentucky has one of the most diverse hardwood species mix in the nation (second only to Florida).
* Forty-seven percent of Kentucky is forestland - that's 11.9 million acres of forests.
* Eighty-nine percent of Kentucky's forestland is owned by private landowners.
* Seventy-two percent of the forestland is composed of oak-hickory species.

Champion Trees:

* The tallest champion tree in the state is a Scarlet oak located in Bell County measuring 199 feet tall.
* The largest recorded champion tree in Kentucky is a Bald cypress in Fayette County. It is 328 inches (more than 27 feet) in circumference.
* The county with the most state champions is Fayette County with 17.
* The smallest champion is a smooth sumac with a circumference of 13 inches and is located at McConnell Springs in Fayette County.
* The Kentucky State Tree is the tulip poplar, also called yellow-poplar.
* The State Heritage Tree is the Kentucky coffee tree.
[source Ky Division of Forestry]

Other somewhat famous cryptids tales from Kentucky include the names: "hillbilly beast","Pope Lick monster" and "Hopskinsville green men". In the past many TV shows like Monster Quest,Finding Bigfoot and Fact or Fake have been to Kentucky researching reports of bigfoot and other strange happenings.
Given the history of sightings and the lush forest land of Kentucky, we can see more and more sightings being reported in the future and return visits from numberous TV shows.
So if you're in Kentucky, keep a camera in hand because you never know where the big guy might show up next.

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  1. Nice article. I prefer the details and breadth you add, from the history, to today's groups as well as the relevant facts about the state. I'll be back for more of these. Thanks.

  2. Concise and intelligently written, your article is greatly appreciated. I have of late had a rare opportunity to research the latest evidence and the historic lore associated with this shy being. Accounts by numerous Native American tribes over the centuries describe this brother of man and his actions in their own traditions and through different stories. However, these accounts do not regard Sasquatch as a creature to be hunted but as a fellow inhabitant, members of their own tribe, who is to be respected. It was not all that long ago, when Darwinian discussions were new, that people of European descent debated in all earnestness where on the evolutionary tree persons of color and non-Western cultures fell. As I ponder the anthropological and biological origins of hominids in general and how we have decimated other cultures and species and their respective habitats in this country, I see that we are actually facing an ethical dilemma of historic proportion: if we do reveal the secrets of the "Old People of the Forest" (a Cherokee reference), will they be driven to extinction as is purported about the more diminuitive "Little People"? Or worse, Heaven forbid, will these social hominids be rounded up and captured for "scientific study?" All of God's creatures, including us, have our place in the world, our own languages, our own contexts. I live closely with horses and cats - even they communicate, emote, and live coorperatively with us in closely bonded relationships. Cherokee accounts indicate that these beings are every bit as "human" as ourselves. Their behavioral traits demonstrate this. The plight of our fellow primates such as chimpanzees and gorillas have earned our respect and sympathy. So as we seek to "prove" their existence, should we not also approach Sasquatch with the same respect and empathy? It makes no more sense to pursue them as if they were prey as it would to pursue you or your family. Scientists deny their existence because scientists are no longer proficient or objective in their professions. Some of them may also deny their existence for the same reason why they deny the existence of cougars and black panthers in Kentucky: if they did acknowledge them, they would have to protect them and their habitat, and that would disrupt our modern way of life and fragile peace of mind. We are no longer able to suffer predators that can harm or frighten us to live, especially at the expense of potential real estate values. I have twice seen the pawprint of Black Panther on my rural-residential porch here in Western Kentucky - the medicine of his visit was timely and was a great honor. As we search for Sasquatch, let us reconsider how we seek him and his family. When you speak a different language, respect and intelligence bear more fruit. Keep up the good - and intelligent - work.

    1. Beautifully said!!!

    2. One of my greatest fears is that we, (man), will figure out a way to track, capture, then enslave the Sasquatch people. Isn't that what we've been doing for thousands of years? Rape & pillage can also mean something else. We stole/took this country from the Native Americans, used the Black man to build it up during the sad time of slavery in this country. We try to influence every other country & people on this earth with our messed up values & philosophies. It's sad where to see we are headed. Come soon Jesus Christ, come soon.

  3. I grew up in the middle of the Appalachian Mountains.....4 miles from the cliffy backwaters of Cave Run Lake and within 1 mile of the Daniel Boone National Forest. I've hunted and enjoyed the thickest and most remote areas in this truly beautiful and pristine environment....Water, cover, & wildlife is abundant. I have been hunting Eastern Ky since the age of 10, observing and harvesting every game species available. I am a proficient and successful hunter. I began my personal study of Bigfoot after a 2005 incident while putting up a climbing tree stand around 5:50 am in a remote area. Confusion is something that happens to every human at different times in their life. However, this was different. More of trying to rationalize what you are seeing, trying to make excuses, trying not to accept.....it doesn't work. There are Sasquatch in Eastern Ky. I believe they are extremely rare. If I had hearing 5 times better than a regular human, could smell you coming, was mainly nocturnal, had plenty of hiding places, and was smarter than anyone gave me credit......Guess what, you'd never find me either.

  4. BTW, The Erickson Project is a hoax. Money Making Scheme....send money and I'll send you a report....hahahaha..... Like seriously, a bigfoot wouldn't wake up while some clumsy idiot is filming them, and would eat pancakes infront of a video camera. This all smells like an old sweaty Star Wars mask...............Don't buy into it.

    1. I also think the Matilda footage is faked but I hear he has other footage that is real. The whole Ketchum DNA study and the Erickson Project have proven nothing. I wrote this article before Matilda was really shown best I can remember. Thanks

  5. Thanks for the comments and stories - For sure bigfoot is real and in Kentucky.


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