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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is this the UFO that buzzed the 737?
reports suggest that the cause of the Bhoja Air Boeing 737 crash in Pakistan last Friday may have been a UFO sighting by the pilot.
A Russian news report on the crash posted on YouTube incorporates footage of three mysterious lights moving in formation, leading to speculation in the UFO community that blame for the tragic accident may lie with an extra-terrestrial craft.
There are rumors that the pilot may have been buzzed by the object and complained to the control tower at Islamabad airport as he made his approach.

The official line, however, is that the passenger jet’s fuel tanks exploded mid-air during a heavy thunderstorm, killing all 127 people on board.
A report by Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority said the aircraft had been properly positioned as it began its approach but suddenly descended to 200 feet while still traveling at 300 miles an hour. It then descended a further 50 feet more before its tanks exploded.
Pakistan's Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani has ordered a judicial investigation into the accident.

soldiers stand next to the wreckage

Here is the video of the News report :

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