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Monday, March 19, 2012

Uploaded by on Mar 18, 2012
"All the major news outlets are being sent a copy of this March 22, 2012 Press Release WARNING stating that everyone living in or near a seismic zone should be warned to brace for one of the top five earthquake events in recorded history on March 22, 2012 at 4:58:34 UTC. Earth axis is expected to shift five+ inches with the world aquifers, when our planet passes 66,000 miles per hour through a gravity trough connecting the Sun and the inbound heavy-mass object (HMO). I have been sending warning messages to the media all along and nobody has responded with a single word. We shall see very soon if the next 'event' on the 188-day cycle is for real or not. My hands are clean and everyone has the opportunity to be warned ." -TerralO3

TCC - I posted this a couple of months back
 188 days between major Earthquakes :
* Chile Quake (8,8)on Feb. 27, 2010...188 days later,
* New Zealand (7.2)Quake on Sept. 3, 2010...188 days later,
* Japan Quake(9.1) on March 11, 2011...188 days later,
* Fiji Region - 4 major Quakes (above 7.0) on Sept 15 2011...188 days later,
* Next Mega-Quake on March 22, 2012 is when the Earth Axis
is expected to shift (along with Water in Earth aquifers) and a "Possible" Mega-Quake on the
West Coast of North America (Alaska or maybe off Washington State), even a possible
7 + magnitude quake event off the coast of California.
(Some say the Mega-Quake will be in Yellowstone.)

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Monday, March 19, 2012 2 comments » by Thomas Marcum
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  1. So was the 7.4 in mexico yesterday the big one? Don't know if that one shifted the earths axis. Has anyone updated this prediction?

    1. Well when the big one hit Japan 2 days prior to it Japan had like a 7. something and then about 50 hours later the big 9.0 one. so there still could be a bigger one in the next 2 days. If i was guessing I would say the best chance is a little before midnight Thursday.


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