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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

[TCC - This is a article written by TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Enjoy!] 
Do Sasquatches Really Need Vast Wilderness?
By Dorraine Fisher        
            Do sasquatches really need vast areas of wilderness to live in? A closer look at the BFRO sightings maps and reports suggest maybe not. In fact, the reports lean more toward our hairy friends needing nothing more than a stable food source, sufficient foliage for cover, and some kind of watershed to survive just fine.
            The crew on Finding Bigfoot has now traveled to many areas of North America and they’ve often been surprised by how much wilderness they find in certain states that aren’t well known for their wilderness areas. They deem these areas more “squatchy” than they would’ve imagined and they praise the vast stretches of forest, swamp, or mountainous areas there that they believe a Sasquatch needs to exist.
            And this seems to be a prevailing theory with most bigfoot enthusiasts and even scientists. Since many sasquatches have been found to live in great wilderness states like Washington, Oregon, and northern California, most believe these types of habitats are required for a sasquatch to survive.
            As it’s certainly true that more sightings occur in large wilderness areas, it’s not a rule as is suggested by reports in some rural areas of states like Illinois. Illinois is certainly not known for its large stretches of wilderness, but sightings there span nearly two-thirds of the state, including the outer fringes of the very urban areas of Chicago. Several fairly recent sightings have been reported in Cook County, Illinois just outside the city.
            In Missouri in 1997, a bow hunter reported a sighting in west St. Louis County just a couple of miles from a heavily populated suburb of the city.  The location of the sighting would be considered only semi-rural and is intersected by two interstate highways. It’s only 15 miles from downtown St. Louis.
            In 2005, a significant footprint of what was believed to be a juvenile sasquatch was found in the mud by a hiker just two miles from downtown Topeka, Kansas.
            And there are many others. Sightings continue to be reported in rural and semi-rural areas all over the forested areas of the U.S.
            None of these areas could be considered wilderness, but what they do have in common is that they contain some kind of watershed, lake, stream, or river, a sufficient deer population, and lush, thick foliage that could provide cover for a large mammal. 
            Of course there are many more sightings in areas like the Pacific Northwest, but it’s becoming clearer that a large stretch of wild country isn’t an ironclad requirement for the survival of sasquatches. Perhaps the hairy ones are far more diverse and adaptable than we ever imagined. *****

[*TCC - Dorraine Fisher is a freelance writer and nature and wildlife enthusiast who has written for many magazines.]
[* Copyright The Crypto Crew ]

[Partial Source:Stan Courtney ]

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Tuesday, March 27, 2012 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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