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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Joao Leite Dos Santos thought it might be fun to play with the monkeys at the Sorocaba Zoo near Sao Paulo.
Dos Santos, not expecting aggressive behavior from the animals, hopped a short fence in order to get closer, while many bystanders stood back laughing or videotaping the incident. According to the AP, he was drunk at the time he approached the spider monkeys.
In the graphic video, which you can see for yourself below, it's apparent that the encounter didn't end well for the mechanic. The monkeys quickly assessed him as a threat, and easily bit him on the arm and hand, causing severe bleeding.
As MyFoxNY points out, he's lucky the monkeys didn't want to get into the water, or his fate could have been much worse.
Park officials eventually removed the man from the pen and transported him to the hospital (he was eager to leave after the attack), but it's unclear if any charges will be brought against him,or if the pain of injury was enough.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum
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