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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A recent interview conducted by Steve Kulls of Squatchdetective.com took a serious turn as retired forest ranger Charles Branson from Honobia, Oklahoma told some shocking news.

Charles claims to have been interacting with a bigfoot for many years on his property. Once the word got out, several Bigfoot organizations began to contact him.
During his interview with Steve, Charles had spoken of the BFRO as being the organization he allowed to do research on his property. That is until this past July 4, 2011.
It would seem that at least one researcher was involved with an shooting incident on that day.
Apparently after sighting a Bigfoot, the researcher, who was packing a AK-47 Rife decided it would be a good idea to shoot at the creature.

Here is the transcript Q&A from that interview:
Last night on the Squatch Detective radio show, Steve Kulls’ guest was retired forest ranger Charles Branson of Honobia, Oklahoma.
Charles claims to have had interactions with bigfoots on his property for many, many years. The activity was such on his land that several organizations became interested in researching the area.
The individuals were always honest and upfront with Charles and for the past 10 years he has allowed them to place trail cams on what is discreetly known as “Area X”.

Members of the organization are required to pay dues and to commit “service hours” for the organization. One of the chores required of certain members is to go to “Area X” and replace the cards and batteries on the trail cameras.

Charles had no problem with the researchers using his property until this past July 4th, when the organization’s mission turned into more than just research.
One of the researchers caught sight of a bigfoot creature and took off in pursuit firing his AK 47 assault rifle with the intent to kill.
This organization and others, is often turning to the public pleading for donations to further their “research”. If the organization has changed its original mission statement and have changed their stance from a “no-kill” to a “pro-kill” operation, then their donors should be made aware of this new practice.

The following has been transcribed from the Squatch Detective radio show last night:
At the 12:57 minute mark:

Steve: Have you ever gotten anybody that’s ever come forward with a video to you, that, that you feel was a legitimate video?
Charles: Oh, we had some, uh.. We were letting some BRFO researchers from Oklahoma and Texas use our cabin facilities for the past ten years and they kept game cameras out all the time.
At the 15:15 minute mark:
Charles: We had a 4th of July incident in this area that I’m telling you about. It’s OK to expand on it?
Steve: Sure…
Charles: … researcher was actually shooting at one, trying to kill it with an AK-47. (unintelligible)
So we stopped them from using our facilities because, we know those folks are there, we don’t want them bothered. They’re non-violent, and we’ve watched them, ya know, for years, their habits and everything.
And uh, he was actually trying to kill one. And was honest enough to admit it. Which I admire, because there’s not one in ten million that would admit that.
At the 27:10 mark:
Charles: …they change seasonal their fur, just like other wildlife does.
And like this one, the 4th of July incident, uh, this fella said this one was about six and a half, seven foot tall.
He had light brown hair on his shoulders and up around his neck, real light brown and the rest of him was dark.
At the 52:43 minute mark.
Steve: Charles, you have such an appreciation for these things. Um, um, you…
Charles: They’re wonderful people.
Steve: And uh, it seems like you’ve had more than one run in with these guys. It seems like you’ve almost had a nice relationship with them.
Charles: Yes, and they know it.
Steve: Now do they recognize people after a time, spell of time?
Charles: I think so. Spiritually I think they do. They’re super smart. And uh, they, they can just feel…
And also, for your information, I’ve had… If you ever attack one, you better be careful, because they don’t forget it.
Steve: Ha ha, ha… I guess not. Now have you ever known anyone to have ever attacked one or…?
Charles: Well I just told you about the 4th of July this year tried to kill one with an AK-47.
But when we go to the cabins, this hunting season, we’re gonna have to be extra careful and communicate with them fellas. Ya know, let ‘em know that wasn’t us pulling that trigger.
We live… They’re wonderful. I just wish everybody could learn to appreciate ‘em more. And uh, I respect any person’s right to not believe. But I also expect the same respect on my beliefs, ya know.
Steve: Now Charles, Charl…
Charles: If everybody could work together and stop the ridicule, just learn from each other then we could really move on with this thing.
And then at the 56:12 minute mark
Steve: Now the person trying to cap one with the AK-47, was that, that wasn’t at your property was it?
Charles: Yes it was.
Steve: Ok, so now…
Charles: For ten years. we have give them permission to use the cabins because every so many months they go change their cameras out, see… And they was studying their habits, researching’. Uh, in fact, I’ve been there with them when they’ve played their recordings and get callbacks from ‘em. I mean, it’s the real deal.
But, we don’t want them bothered, ya know. Well, that’s it.
Steve: (unintelligible) but no guns…
At the 57:57 minute mark
Steve: Now, I have another question, and this goes back to the AK-47 incident, and that struck a political cord with some folks, and I’m gonna go ahead and honor the question.
Was there a particular group that was associated with this AK-47 incident?
Charles: Well, uh, it’s BRFO, but I will not mention no names.
Steve: OK.
Charles: Because, the person has been extremely honest. And admitted it…
Steve: It wasn’t the Texas group, or was it the Texas group?
Charles: Well Oklahoma and Texas both work together.
Steve: Gotcha. Gotcha. Well, that answers that question I suppose.
Steve: You sure it was the BFRO and not the, uh, next question, used to be the, gotcha Craig…
Charles: Well that’s what they claim, but it could not be, ya know there’s several splinter groups that says BRFO. I don’t know whether it’s official or not.
Steve: Is it possible that it could have been a group called the TRBC? Is it possible that you mixed those two up.
Charles: I’m not for sure (unintelligible) BRF…
You can listen to the archived show here: Squatch Detective Radio Show-Guest Charles Branson
For the record, the BFRO is not to be implicated in this story in any way. Mr. Branson was not sure of all of the letters in the acronym.

UPDATE:  The TBRC has identified themselves as the offending party!
The Echo Incident
Statements made or reported as being made by Honobia, OK, resident Charles Branson at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival on 1 October 2011, concerning incidents that took place the previous July, contain inaccuracies. The basic facts are as follows.

The Echo Incident
Statements made or reported as being made by Honobia, OK, resident Charles Branson at the Honobia Bigfoot Festival on 1 October 2011, concerning incidents that took place the previous July, contain inaccuracies. The basic facts are as follows.
The TBRC was on Mr. Branson’s property with his permission as part of Operation Endurance (OE). The group in place at the beginning of July, designated as the “Echo” team, was the fifth of ten teams to participate in OE. Subsequent events experienced by that team are referred to as the “Echo Incident” within the TBRC.
On 3 July 2011, at approximately 6:15 PM CDT and under clear daylight conditions, Daryl Colyer, Board Member and Field Operations Director of the TBRC, encountered a sasquatch on the Branson property. The observation occurred as he, along with fellow TBRC members Alex Diaz and Travis Lawrence, were investigating a loud banging sound originating from the direction of one of the hunting cabins (referred to by the TBRC as the “West Cabin”), not far from where they and one other member of Echo team were based. The sound was consistent with others heard over the duration of OE and suspected of having been made by sasquatches.
Colyer moved down the path toward the West Cabin with Diaz following at fifty or sixty feet. Lawrence was out of their sight as he followed a nearby parallel creek bed. When Colyer rounded a bend in the road and entered a clearing in front of the West Cabin, he witnessed a large, brown, upright, hair-covered figure walking in front of him at a distance of roughly 25-30 yards. Colyer noted it had long hair on its shoulders and the back of its head, which was distinctly conical in shape. He saw it from the left side and slightly to the back; its front was not visible to him at any point. Upon later comparison with a 6’3″ tall TBRC member, the creature was estimated to have been both more massive and somewhat taller.
Walking to the south, the creature was momentarily obscured by vegetation and was then visible through an eight to ten foot opening in the dense foliage, still approximately 25-30 yards from Colyer’s position. Using his Remington 1100 Tac-4 12 gauge auto-loading shotgun, loaded with 000 buckshot followed by slugs, he attempted to collect the animal for scientific analysis, firing all the rounds in rapid succession. Colyer then approached the spot where the animal had been, reloading as he walked, but found no body. Within a few seconds he heard the faint sound of an automobile engine starting. When Diaz arrived at the location of the encounter, Colyer directed him to investigate the automobile sound. Diaz found a container of iced tea on the ground approximately 50 yards down the path, but he could not determine a source for the engine noise.
All four members of the Echo team attempted to track and locate the animal until it was too dark to see. Although the ground in the area was covered with leaves and other debris, the trail left by the animal was evident until it reached the nearby rocky creek bed. There were clear signs of its travel through the forest, including where it stepped on and crushed a fallen branch that was left unharmed when stepped on by the TBRC investigators. The slugs Colyer fired were all found embedded in trees near where he saw the animal. The team was unable to find any other evidence of the animal or its fate before losing daylight.
The team departed for home the next morning. Shortly after reestablishing cell phone coverage, Mr. Branson contacted the team and informed them that his nephew and his nephew’s girlfriend had driven to the site the previous day. The nephew left his truck parked at the property gate and had begun to walk up the path toward the cabins when he heard what he mistook to be machine gun fire. He ran back to his truck and fled the area, apparently damaging his truck in the process. Colyer never saw or heard the truck prior to its departure, nor did he see or hear the two people. Their position, relative to Colyer’s, was to the west through the dense forest, while the animal Colyer was attempting to collect was to his southwest. Neither they nor their vehicle was ever in the line of fire.
Following the conversation with Mr. Branson, team members made contact with Branson’s son, a deputy sheriff in the area, and related the events to him. He advised contacting the County Sheriff’s Office, since the nephew had reported that he had been shot at with a machine gun by “druggies.” After communicating with the sheriff’s office twice, the matter was dropped. Upon learning of the damage to his truck, said to amount to $1200, the TBRC offered the nephew $2,000 to help offset the cost of repairs. The check was cashed a few days after it was sent. Following a break of approximately one week, the TBRC resumed Operation Endurance to its planned completion.
In December of 2010, TBRC Chairman Alton Higgins clearly stated on the TBRC web site that the organization would “not stand in opposition to individuals—within or outside the TBRC—or groups supporting and/or actively pursuing efforts to obtain a specimen.” He went on to add, “As a field biologist I have always indicated that I supported collecting a specimen for documentation and study.” He went on to explain, “Biologists are trained to think in terms of, and to care about, populations. Collection of a voucher specimen is a way of protecting the population, from my perspective. It is not immoral, even if there are those who disagree for various emotional reasons.” Those interested can read the position statement in its entirety here.
The TBRC plans on publishing a more complete account of Operation Endurance at a later date.
Source: http://www.texasbigfoot.com/index.php/news/news/48-news/204

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