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Thursday, July 14, 2011

They say that an 800-pound gorilla can sit anywhere he wants. But when he's got a toothache, there's only one place he can go -- into the dentist's chair.
Oscar Jonsey, a 30-year-old lowlands gorilla from the San Francisco Zoo, was knocked out while two dentists performed a three-hour procedure to save an abscessed tooth, the San Francisco Examiner reported.
This was the second trip to the dentist's office in the past year for the ailing ape, also known as O.J. Last year poor O.J. had to get a root canal too, a zoo spokeswoman told The Huffington Post.
The silverback gorilla was anesthetized in his pen and brought to the zoo's veterinary hospital where dentist Dan Mairani and endodontist Steve Holifield, who usually handle humans, treated O.J.'s canine tooth.
"We use quite a few human doctor specialists with animals, especially the great apes because of their close connection to humans," zoo spokeswoman Lora Lamarca told The HuffPost. "They love to do it."

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Thursday, July 14, 2011 2 comments » by Thomas Marcum


  1. You are so helpful! I don’t suppose I have read anything along these lines recently. It is so pleasing to find a person with genuine ideas on this topic. I really appreciate you are starting this up. This website is something which is really needed on the net, people with a little originality. Valuable job for bringing something new to the web!

  2. Dentists can cure a gorilla because they have a very similar structure of the skeleton and teeth with humans.


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