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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UPDATE: Leaked Erickson Project Info

More info on this leak about the Erickson project -

Derek Randles, founder of the Olympic Project, offers further information:

O...K, it’s time to put a few things to rest. I just spoke to the “bear hunter”, who is also my friend. He is beside himself because of all the BS being spread. He’s asked me to clarify a few things here on this forum. First of all, he is not a poacher. I repeat, not a poacher. Second, it was bear season and he was hunting in a legal area with a bear tag. Please don’t ask me these things again. That’s the truth. Third, he has not killed 1000 bears. He’s killed 3 in his lifetime. Yes 3, not 1000. It’s also very important to note, he never gave Sasquatch a second thought. He was a complete skeptic. Because of his unfamiliarity with the Bigfoot subject he had no idea of what he was looking at through his riffle site. He assumed that it was a very strange looking bear that was standing on it’s hind legs. In his mind that’s all it could have been, a bear. When the bullet hit its mark, it started to become apparent that it wasn’t a bear. It did not drop right there, it ran off. They thought they heard it crash in the brush but did not see it go down. Things started getting very weird at this point. Two smaller creatures appeared from the brush, sometimes on two feet, and sometimes on all fours. In his description they looked like a cross between an ape and a bear. They got very close to him and at one point one positioned itself above him on a outcrop. He shot it out of fear of being attacked. Probably the same thing I would have done in the given circumstance. When I’m in the wilderness I always pack a gun to protect my self from wild, sometimes unpredictable animals. There are a few times I thanked God I had it. This was starting to feel like a nightmare to him and he quickly left trying to wrap his mind around what had just happened.

It’s very important to note that he doesn’t feel good about this incident. As a matter of fact he felt terrible. This was a case of miss-identification plane and simple.

At a later date a search was carried out at the site and a piece of flesh was recovered. NOT A BODY, only a small piece of flesh witch was later cut in two pieces, hence the cut line. I’ll say it one more time, no body’s were found or recovered.

It’s very unfortunate that this happened, but hopefully some good will come out of it. I’m probably going to have a whole bunch of people mad at me for talking about this, but my first obligation is to the bear hunter. He’s my friend and I gave him my word that I’m there for him. He wanted me to convey this message, so take it or leave it, it’s the truth.

TCH - So we will have to wait and see what is "leaked" next

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011 No comments » by Thomas Marcum


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