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Monday, October 7, 2013

Bigfoot sounds in New Hampshire
New Hampshire

Odd Sounds Recorded in New Hampshire

Recorded in New Hampshire by The Crypto Crew's Jason Morse. Is it an owl or a bigfoot?
The area this was recorded in has had bigfoot activity in the past and is home to where Jason had his bigfoot sighting.
The Audio clip sounds like it is saying "Hey" and that is interesting to me because on 9/28/13 we had a bigfoot sighting here in KY and I was talking to a local friend in the area of the sighting to see if they had seen or heard anything and she told me that at night they hear something that sounds like "Hey" coming from the forest behind their house.
Here is the video

The witness interview and investigation video of the 9/28/13 sighting can be found by Clicking Here.
Then about a week later I get the audio clip from Jason from NH and it sounds like it is saying "Hey".
Odd indeed. Could it be an owl or a bigfoot? I'm not really sure what it is but it is pretty different.

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1 comment:

  1. That's a close one!! Too close for me to call,however,we know how well our hair covered,steath champion,massive interests can mimic a couple animals. Or three,LOL. Interesting regardless! Thanks!!


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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