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Friday, April 26, 2024

Washington State - The Puyallup Screamer

In 1973, there were several sightings of a mysterious creature in a gravel pit near Puyallup, Washington. This elusive being became known as the Puyallup Screamer due to its spine-chilling vocalizations.
Marlin Ayers, a witness to these events, recorded the Sasquatch sounds emanating from the woods. Amidst the eerie howls, you can also hear birdsong and a distant train whistle in the background. The Puyallup Screamer's vocalizations left the neighborhood residents both fascinated and terrified.
The recording has been heavily scrutinized over the years.
This eerie vocalization occurred after multiple witnesses reported seeing a Bigfoot near a large gravel pit at the intersection of Old Pipe Line RD and 94th Ave East on the South Hill (approximately at coordinates 47.146239, -122.304128). Of course, the area has changed a lot over the last 40 years. 

If you're curious, you can listen to the 1973 Bigfoot Scream captured by Marlin Ayers in Puyallup, Washington. Here is that haunting audio:

Some researchers felt that the howl just had to be Sasquatch, as it didn’t sound like any other vocalizations made by known animals. Plus the fact, there have been at least eight reports of Sasquatches seen in the same area since the screaming was first noted.

Some have suggested the screams are actually coyotes. While the screams are certainly not normal coyote noises, it’s hard to imagine coyotes generating such volume.

Marlin Lamont Ayers, born on April 3, 1941, was a resident of Puyallup, Washington. He passed away on April 28, 2014, reuniting with his beloved son, Marlin Lamont Ayers, Jr. Marlin was a successful businessman in the city of Tacoma. His interests included hunting, fishing, camping, and shooting guns. Above all, he cherished spending time with his family, often sharing stories of their successes. Marlin had a quick wit, leaving those around him with a smile. He was ever ready to lend a helping hand when needed. Marlin was fortunate to be married for 53 years to his wife, Sharon Rose Ayers, who survived him. He is also survived by his loving daughter, Yvonne Ayers, and his beloved sons, Ronald Ayers and Johnny Ayers.

Puyallup, Washington, located in Pierce County, has the highest number of Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) reports in the state. While there are many other recordings of Washington State Bigfoot, the Puyallup Screamer holds a certain iconic 1970s Washington State vibe to it. The mysterious howls continue to captivate our imaginations, whether we believe in Bigfoot or not!

Remember, whether you believe in Bigfoot or not, these mysterious encounters continue to captivate researchers and our imaginations year after year!


This post is by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as TCC Research. Over 25 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter, a published photographer, and a poet.

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