NEW Youtube Channel!
For those who may not know, we lost our Youtube Channel (Cryptowatch) due to a bogus trademark complaint. We were given no warning and no opportunity to change the name or anything. Youtube just deleted the channel and over 10 years of videos and work, no questions asked.
There is a video, Click here, where I tell more details about what happened. We were actually using the name years before these other folks trademarked the name, so we had a legal right to use it.
In all, we lost over 500 videos. Many of which were embedded in our website posts. I have been working like mad to get the videos back online and to fix posts. I still have a long way to go but I now have over 200 of the videos back online and on our NEW youtube channel.
I know the videos are out of order and kind of jumbled but this can not be helped. Please bear with me.
One thing that I feel will be the hardest to accomplish is to get our over 8K subs back. We are at less than 100 at the time of this post.
So, please subscribe to the new channel by clicking Here
The whole event has been just terrible as we lost so much: videos, community posts, subscribers, comments, views, and those who paid for a membership. We are trying to work to put things back in order but some stuff is just lost forever.
I hope Youtube changes this policy in the very near future as no one should have to face losing years of original content due to any complaint. The user should have a chance to fix or correct any issue and not just lose all their work with a flip of a switch.
The sad part is that I had already started moving away from the word "Crypto" as now when people see or hear the word they think about cryptocurrency/Bitcoin and not hidden animals/species.
More videos will be uploaded soon and new videos will be added. We will make our best effort to remain a solid source of good information concerning Bigfoot and other mysteries. I have logged almost 30 years in this field and will work to fix what I can. This is a big task to try and fix but I have got to try. I was very disheartened when this first happened. The thought of adding it all back was very overwhelming but now I'm well on my way to getting the video back online.
Also, please be aware that some links and/or videos may not be working correctly. I have been fixing many of them as I go but without a doubt, I have missed some.
I just wanted to update everyone and ask you to hop over and sub the new channel.

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 25 years of experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.

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