I got the following report a few days ago and wanted to share it. I'm sure there an many more details about this area that the family could tell us. It also reminded me of a show I did a few years ago on My Crypto World entitled Bigfoot and Outhouses.
Here is the report
- Start Report-
Name: Sharon ****
Email Address: On file
State: Pennsylvania
County: Bradford County
Nearest Town: Middletown center
How long was your sighting?
Over the course of several years in the mid-1970s
How many witnesses:
Myself my grandmother
Did you get any pictures or video:
Describe what you saw: My grandmother was in the outhouse one night. She came running in with her pants down at her ankles yelling about something walking around the outhouse. Dad and my Grandfather went out to look with their rifles. Came inside and the adults went into the bedroom to speak. Later that night my Grandmother came to me with an empty coffee can telling me to never go out there at night to use the outhouse. My grandmother wasn't afraid of anything. A few months later I was befriended by a young male Sasquatch named Cho. He and his family were my safe place. I was badly abused by my father and stepmother. Cho and I were friends for several years. I have been inside their dwelling..
Phone Number: On File
What color was the creature: brown
Was other evidence found: Tracks and their dwelling place
-End Report-
A thanks goes to Sharon for the report. If anyone else has had a sighting or encounter in the Bradford County area, then let us know.
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild
land firefighter, a published photographer, and a poet.
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