Another Possible fairy Sighting
While fairies may be considered mythical or just folklore there is a long history of sightings and reports. Even in our modern times, reports of people encountering fairies continue to surface.
Today, we are sharing one such report that took place in Kentucky.
Here is the report
-Start Report-
Name: Michael ******
Email Address: On File
What State was your sighting in?
What County?
Date of Sighting: 6/10/2020
Time of Sighting: 7:30pm
How long was your sighting?
1 to 2 minutes, very brief
How many witnesses
Did you get any pictures or video?
Describe what you saw:
Me and my wife and daughters were out on an afternoon drive. We were on a backroad driving through and this ball of orange light flew in front of the truck, paused and then flew straight up to the sky. It was about the size of a baseball and was surrounded by an orange glow. But when it paused you could see a set of wings and legs. Everyone was yelling at the same time and giving the same details of what they saw..we went back several nights just to see if we could see it again but never saw it again.
What color was the creature or object:
Orange glow.
More Details:
Wings and what appeared to be legs.
-End Report-
A thanks to Michael for sharing the sighting with us. I use to live in Laurel county back when I was in my early teen years. There are a lot of forestland and back roads in that area. I never saw anything unusual while I live there but I was young and more worried about fishing than anything else.
If anyone else has had a similar sighting, feel free to submit it to us.

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