Ted Andrews was an internationally known author best known for his book "Animal Speak".
He was born in Dayton, Ohio on July 15, 1952 and died in 2009. He wrote over 40 books, some of which were translated into other languages. Ted was featured on many national and local TV and radio programs.
Teacher, musician, student of many esoteric and occult subjects, wildlife rescuer and rehabilitator, certified spiritualist medium [for nearly 30 years], holistic healer [including music therapy, herbology, hypnotherapy, acupressure, and other alternative techniques].
One notable passage in his "Animal Speak" concerns gifting. There is no better way to speak his words. And so I quote you from the 2005 Llewellyn edition, pgg. 229-231.
"Exercise #3: The Rite of Gifting
"Gifting is a simple way of expressing gratitude for opportunities to share with nature. In essence, it is an act of balance. If you take something, you give something in return. What you give can be in the form of an actual gift or simply your time. It is a means of honoring that which you are working to understand. . . . . "
"The Native Americans will offer tobacco to the earth . . . leaving it in the environment. Tobacco is sacred to them and it has great significance. When you acknowledge the encounter with a gift, it sends a message to all of Nature that you are receptive and respectful. It facilitates further encounters."
"Gifting is a means of awakening a greater sense of gratitude in life and for life. It is most important to do in some form when you are out in nature and are specifically observing and studying . . . For example, if there is a chosen area for your observations, search for a special gift to leave in that area when you are ready to leave. This can be any number of things: an acorn, a crystal or colorful stone, a special leaf, a flower that is special to you, dried herbs, or any natural object. It should always be a natural object so that it can become a part of nature and not clutter or destroy the intrinsic beauty of the spot. . . ." [Italics mine].
"This rite of gifting completes the circle. Nature gives to you and you receive, and thus you give back to Nature and it receives. This is a powerful rite. It requires no fancy prayers, activities, or formalized ceremonies. It is simply a circular rite of gifting."
"It is not right to assume that you can visit and observe without permission . . . It is always a good idea to at least mentally ask . . . for permission to observe before taking a position to do so. It helps to build greater mutual respect. You are less likely to take Nature or the experience for granted. It makes the experience more meaningful."
Paraphrase of his hints for gifting :
1. Always gift in the same spot.
2. Leave the gift with a mental "Thank you". Ask for permission to come again.
3. Keep the gifts simple and natural.
4. Clean up any trash or litter in the area and take it away. Show respect to Nature.
5. Visit at different times of the year and for different lengths of time. This will help you to better know the animal activity, plant life and environment of the area. Always leave a gift when you depart.
6. Practice sitting quietly and observing. Listen, smell, watch.
7. Move slowly. Slow movements will not startle or frighten the animals. Sign and gift of respect to not disturb the atmosphere around you.
8. As you learn how to feel a part of the area, you will find more activity and Nature will draw closer.
Although, Andrews was speaking of learning how to communicate with and discover your totem animals, much of what he discusses resonates with me [and hopefully with you] in researching for sasquatch.
So how does this relate to our research into sasquatch?
His comments re-enforce what we should be doing in order to learn.
We need to become familiar with the areas that we are researching. We can't go in once in the dark of night, whooping and hollering, banging on trees or rocks, cameras and recorders running and expect to have a wonderful encounter. We may gain some experiences, but one can only learn so much from a snapped branch, a distant howl, and a muddy footprint.
There is safety involved also with exploring your location during daylight hours. You are more apt to notice more possible signs indicating possible sasquatch. In the light you can observe the terrain and make note of dangerous areas, places where you can fall or trip or get caught up in areas where you cannot make your way through.
It's also easier to take note of the vegetation and signs of other wildlife. You can see if there are possible food sources. It is easier to locate places where you might wish to sit quietly and observe any possible action around you.
You will also be able to detect the signs of animals in the area. It is vital to know if there are bears or big cats around. Or other humans using the area or possibly researching it.
Not all of us gift. And that is, of course, a matter of choice in how the researcher conducts their investigation. But if you should decide to gift Andrews re-enforces what I have been saying over and over again.
Give only what is NATURAL to the area.
Fruits and vegetables native to the area. Or that are grown by farmers that sasquatch could harvest some for himself. Fresh caught fish. Fresh deer meat, or rabbit or other mammal indigenous to the area.
I cannot say it enough times :
You are not providing a banquet.
Sasquatch does not need us to feed them.
Stop feeding them the junk food we humans cram into our body. No peanut butter. White breads. Twinkies. Refined sugars.
That banquet of junk that you provide is most often probably being eaten by raccoons and bears and other scavengers. Sasquatch, under most circumstances, are able to find food for themselves. In fact, most of the foods you leave are most likely being eaten by the other animals. If you think a raccoon incapable of opening a jar of peanut butter or peeling a banana, think again. I've seen them do both. I've also seen them fully open a partially cracked window and gain entry to my house, but that's another story.
The gift does not need to be food. It can be an object. A unique stone, a shell. Some have given small trinkets, such as a ribbon or bow, a few beads, a crystal.
It is all very simple. Honor Nature. Honor the trees. Honor sasquatch.
And clean up after yourself. The only traces you should leave behind are your footprints and perhaps a few broken branches from your passing through.
This Post By TCC Team Member Nancy Marietta. Nancy has had a lifelong interest in the paranormal and cryptids. Nancy is also a published author and her book, The Price of war, has been met with great reviews.
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