Baby Bigfoot Track Castings - Looking At Details
Today I finally got and took the time to clean those baby bigfoot track casting I made about 2 weeks ago. I wanted to show you some of the details of the castings and search them for hairs.
I have found hairs in a previous casting from a couple years ago, so I wanted to check these as well. I did notice while cleaning them there was some hair in the mud.
Here is a short video showing the details of the prints and the hairs.
I hope to get back to the area where I found these, and many other tracks, in the near future.
I hope you enjoyed the video.
post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the
cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto
Crew. Over 20 years of experience with research and investigation of
unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild
land firefighter and a published photographer, and a poet.
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