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Saturday, May 22, 2021

 Recent Bigfoot Outing

This post will probably be rather short. I recently took a few days to conduct some bigfoot field research. It mostly consisted of one evening outing and two all day outings. I had a retired chemical engineer with me on the trip. Chemical engineers apply the principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math to solve problems. In other words, they are super smart people who are skilled at solving problems and interpreting data. It just so happens the person with me has a growing interesting in Bigfoot. He drove a long way just to be here and for me to take him into the Kentucky forest. 

I had told him, that I could not guarantee that we would find or see anything but that I knew of some areas where we could go that would give us a good chance. As we all know there are no guarantees when it comes to bigfoot. Some days you find things and other days you don't. 

Well, it just so happened, that while out on our expedition, we found some amazing evidence and had an experience that was very unexpected. We went to a few different areas and found numerous tracks. Over the 3 days we trekked over 27 miles on foot and in many areas where the terrain was pretty rough. At one point I had 8 to 10 ticks on my pants at one time, not counting the numerous others I would pick off later. 

Here is a couple more pictures.

        My size 13 boot next to an 18-20 inch track

      Another smaller track from a different area.

During our trip we found tracks from multiple bigfoot. One set of tracks we deduced was probably a family unit.There was a very large, wide track that was roughly 16-17 inches in length. There was a slightly smaller, more slender track that we thought was probably the female. And then there was a very small track, 10-11 inches, that we felted was probably a juvenile bigfoot. 

My friend Guy, the retired chemical engineer, after studying the tracks felted they were larger and wider than what would be expected of a human foot. He and I also did some depth comparison by stepping next to some of the tracks and even bounced up and down, but we could not achieve the same depth of  the tracks. We just didn't have the weight to make an impression that deep. Then there's the logic of what would 3 people, with 3 different foot sizes, be several miles back in the forest barefooted. It is just not feasible and there is only one logical conclusion.  

What I have presented here is just a small sample of what we found and experienced. I have many more photos and videos, that I'm still mauling over on just how I want to present and share them. But rest assured that more pictures and videos are coming in the future. Some tracks, of course, were older and some not. Some showed more toe definition and others didn't. Which is just a normal occurrence with tracks.

We had a great time and it was really satisfying to watch my friend's face light up when we discovered tracks. We worked well with each other while in the woods and our skills complemented each other and created a nice balance. We studied each track or finding, bounced thoughts off of each other and then came to our conclusions. 

I hope to share more in the near future, and I hope you enjoyed this post. It was an exciting trip for me and I feel re-energized with my research.

Have a great day!


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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