Bigfoot at Little Valley Mountain?
This image is reportedly from 2013 and it was presented by a woman named Sue. According to the report, Sue claimed to have taken the picture in Little Valley Mountain in Southern Utah. Little Valley is located in Washington county Utah. From what I can gather, that area has many hike and bike trails, and camping sites.
There was not a lot of information offered about Sue's picture. There was not a back story that I could find. It is my understanding that Sue sent the picture to a radio show on 95.9 KZHK. After that, the picture was made public but, as far as I know, there isn't very many details about the picture.
What follows is a couple enhancement of the image.
Here is a zoom in on the figure. We still can't see a lot of detail and it appears this is the back of the figure. There also appears to be some kind of box or square shaped object on the ground to the right. It could be a rock.
An even closer zoom in on the figure. As you can see the picture is starting to degrade in quality. It is becoming pixelated and out of focus. We still can't see much detail. The figure seems to have uniform coloring. What I mean by this is that the figure appears to be basically the same color from head to toe. What we look for in coloring is different shades. If, for example, the top half was bluish or some other color, and the bottom half brown, this would help us identify the figure as being potentially a person. Of course, that don't help us if it is a human in a bigfoot suit.
Even a closer zoom on the figure, I made a slight color adjustment, but we still can't see any new details. We don't have anything for scale to attempt to determine the size of the figure. We don't know the circumstances in which the picture was captured.
In the end, we don't have enough information, or enough visual evidence from the image, to determine this as a hoax or a real bigfoot. Plus I have limited knowledge about the area in which the picture was taken. I do know that a few years ago, there was a rash of bigfoot reports and videos from Provo Utah.
If you have more information about this image, please let us know.

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