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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 Tracks Found on McCartney Mountain

A few days ago I got some track pictures and details sent to me by a Dr. Mike. I have withheld his last name to protect his identity. These were found on top of McCartney Mountain in Montana. McCartney Mountain is one of the Summits in Madison County and an area where people hike and explore.

What follows below is the report sent in by Dr. Mike and some other pictures.

Here is what Dr. Mike had to say about the tracks and area.

"Found these tracks November 2019 directly east across I-15 near Glen MT of sighting you have posted near Agnes Lake from July 2018.  They were directly on top of McCartney Mountain.

Only enhancement is contrast and white balance to show detail.  

-  Size 11 boot reference
-  6' stride
-  No drag in or out of tracks in 14" snow
-  Extremely heavy breaking cleanly through hard crusted snow
-  Toe impressions clearly visible
-  "Pinky claw" off 5th toe 


Thanks for your efforts.  If you have any questions drop me a line.  My son and I just saw another trackway in an extremely remote area while on horses elk hunting.  So rugged and snow so deep we couldn't even get to them on the side of the mountain. "

Dr. Mike mentioned the Agnes Lake report, you can read that report by Clicking Here

I also ask Dr. Mike the following question

TM: Any other indicators in the area?  Broken tree limbs or anything? (I ask this question, as often times there is other evidence found when you find tracks. The more indicators you have the easier it is to make a case of your finding. But sometimes you just don't find other indicators.)

Here was the reply.

Dr. Mike: Ain't but one thing made them tracks 😊  The trackway we saw this week was the same. No other animal could possibly have made those tracks. We couldn't even get to were they were on the mountain. An elk or bear would've made a continuous line lunging and dragging through that deep of snow. We had to turn back due to snow too deep for horses, and this trackway was in deeper soft snow with 6+ ft stride of individual tracks.  Those tracks were near Heart Lake in the Scapegoat Wilderness.

 Here is a close up picture of one of the tracks.

I thank Dr. Mike for sending in his photos and telling us the details about how and where they were found.

If anyone else has found or had a sighting in this general area, then please reach out to us.


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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