Doorbell Camera Catches UFO
Georgia. The object appears just at the treeline, flickers a bit, rises up and stays stationary for a couple of seconds, and then ascends upward out of view.
Here is what the witness said about the object.
"I Reviewed nest doorbell camera footage. noticed a bright object starting to flicker over a neighbors house, first seen at the tree line level, time was approx 11:00pm est. watched the object flicker for a few seconds, disappear and then flicker again and then it became fully lit and started to ascend straight up into the sky. on the camera, disappeared once it went above the camera angle at the gutter of my house. "
I have attempted to enhance the original video. I find this one rather intriguing and I don't think it is a drone. There also appears to be another stationary blinking object to the right of the larger main object. I point this out in part of the enhancement video.
Here is the original video along with some enhancements.
I do find this one interesting and I think we can rule out things like airplanes and helicopters. I don't think it is a drone either, but just what is it? I don't know.
If anyone else saw this or captured it on video or in photos, then please contact us.
What do you think it is?

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