The wife and I managed to get out in the mountains yesterday. Our goals were to exchange out some game cameras, get in some much needed outside time, and to scout around for signs of bigfoot.
It was a great day to be out and the temperatures were good for hiking the mountains. We got the game cameras replaced and continued to explore the area. I hope to share some of the videos from the game cams in the coming days.
While we explored the area we did find a few interesting things.

But this was not all we found. We also found some interesting tree breaks and twist that I hope to share in a video on a later date.
We did find a couple of possible tracks but I found one in particular that I feel is for sure a bigfoot track. Here is a larger picture of the track. The track was roughly around 14 inches long. This is an area where I have found many tracks over the years. What I want you to notice is that the heel is rounded but the toe area is flared out and more squared looking. If this were a shoe or boot the toe area would have been rounded. In image 2 I have attempted to show the heel and toes better. I know it is hard to see with all the brown colors.
In the end it was a good day, I got the game cams replaced and got to be out in the forest. This particular area seems to have more activity in late spring and summer. I think it has to do with things getting greener and bigfoot feeling more safe. I will continue to monitor the area and hope I can find more evidence.

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