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Monday, March 9, 2020

Bigfoot: To Woo Or Not To Woo
By Dorraine Fisher

As if there wasn’t enough division in the entire world right now, we thought that bigfoot believers had one major thing in common that they could all hold on to and bond over: belief in bigfoot. But sadly that isn’t the case.

One half of the community believes bigfoot is nothing more than an undiscovered species that we’re just starting to discover, and they want to prove they’re real. The other half that’s grown exponentially in the last few years claims to have telepathic or possibly even spiritual experiences with these beings and they feel no need whatsoever to prove to anyone that they exist. In fact, they want to understand them better in order to understand how everyone can leave them alone. But the other camp dismisses all of it as what is now referred to as woo.

I now, as a bigfoot researcher and writer am caught in between the two belief systems and have been repeatedly asked if I’m “a woo researcher or non-woo?"

“Woo,” the new word in the bigfoot community which is a shortened or variant form of the old word “woo-woo” which means holding unconventional or unusual beliefs about a subject that have no scientific basis, especially those aspiring to spirituality, mysticism, or any non-physical context or any other context considered intangible.

Sounds logical, right? Except that 20 years ago, the idea of the existence of bigfoot itself wasn’t considered logical at all. The idea that a giant relic hominid weighing upwards of 800 lbs. was roaming the forests of North America without humans knowing about it was the stuff of fantasy. People who talked about it were called crazy or delusional and the idea of it was considered to be...let’s just say it...woo!

It was considered woo to even believe in Bigfoot AT ALL and now, as minds are opening and more people are seeing the evidence, that has changed.

But something unusual is definitely happening, not just in the world of bigfoot, but in the world at large. More people are claiming to be empathic, meaning they’re more sensitive to all kinds of energies. More people are claiming to be experiencing a spiritual awakening. More people are claiming to have certain telepathic skills, or at least they feel more tuned in to the energy of other people and animals. Are they all crazy? Are they all making it up? Some may be, but when they’re coming to me with what they believe to be their secrets and many of their stories sound the same, I have to really question whether it’s all just “woo.”

I’ve come to dislike the term, and I consider it to be a very derogatory, since it’s never meant as a compliment by the people who use the word to describe other researchers or other believers. And it’s an attempt to discredit some researchers who have really dug deep into the subject of bigfoot in unconventional ways and uncovered some game-changing theories.

Now, if you’re a researcher that’s trying to be taken seriously, it may be safe to say that you’d all like everything about Bigfoot to be logical. And that’s fine, but let’s just not talk about all the weird stuff that people are reporting. I get messages in my inbox all the time from researchers who had something really weird, almost mystical in nature, happen to them in regard to bigfoot. And I might not think too much about it if I hadn’t just gotten a message last week from someone describing a very similar experience. And also the week before and the week before. This happens often enough to make me wonder what’s really going on. Are all these people lying? Was there not a time when we couldn’t talk about bigfoot at all? And then suddenly thousands of sightings started coming through and then we ourselves had some kind of encounter we couldn’t explain any other way, and then a scientist validated bigfoot footprints. And we were forced to swallow the idea that bigfoot may actually exist. So why is this stuff you like to refer to as woo so hard to swallow? It’s not crazy to believe in bigfoot now, but it’s crazy to have unconventional ideas about them. It never occurs to anyone that if you believe in one seemingly crazy thing and you believe it’s 100% percent real, but you believe this other crazy thing over here can’t possibly be real, that’s incredibly narrow-minded.

Now, I get it. Some people are crazy. Some people see and hear things sometimes and jump to conclusions. But there’s also this thing called personal perceptions. And everyone’s perceptions are different. And I’m sorry, but no one’s personal perceptions or experiences are any more valid than anyone else’s. And let’s face it, the word woo is a word used by one set of believers to gaslight or invalidate another set of believers that have had a different experience of bigfoot in the woods than they have. OR it’s a word used by a set of believers that don’t want to admit that strange things happen to them too and they’re afraid to say anything for fear of not being taken seriously. Do you think these people putting forth unconventional ideas about bigfoot are completely comfortable doing so? I can tell you they’re not. They’ve only found a level of acceptance for their strange experiences and they do so because they care about speaking their personal truths about them. Because lying and denying what they believe really happened doesn’t help anyone learn anything new.

It all boils down to this: We’re entering a new age. There’s no room anymore for inside- the- box thinking. If we really want to unlock the mysteries of the universe and bigfoot, we’re going to have to be open to any weird thing we might find, no matter whether it fits with our beliefs or anyone else’s beliefs about the subject that are considered acceptable or not. Even logic is open to personal interpretation and bigfoot, so far, has defied MANY of the rules of logic. So, when we do research, we’re going to have to decide whether we want to learn all there is to learn about them or do we want to just learn what fits in the framework of our long-held and sometimes narrow belief systems. Do you want to know the truth? Or do you want a watered-down, twisted, filtered version of it? Or can we at least accept the idea that there may be a shred of truth in what you call woo, especially if important details keep being added to the equation?

As someone who tries to cover all aspects of this topic, I think it’s an amazing disservice to the research to only accept those details that we like or are comfortable with. How thorough can we possibly be if we only accept the information that we like or that fits with our personal belief system? Gaslighting attempts to shut down the conversation and invalidate anyone who has a different experience from yours. And there’s no room for it here if we really want to know the truth. And we have to be willing to imagine that the truth may be somewhere between woo and non-woo. But if we shut down any conversation about it and we aren’t open to some seemingly weird ideas how would we know if we’ve found the truth or not?

You can certainly stay in your box if you want to, but please don’t gaslight others who’ve had a different experience than you have. Woo is simply something you’ve decided doesn’t fit with your perceptions. And that’s fine, but they are YOUR perceptions. But just like when a person has a bigfoot encounter or sighting for the first time, their perceptions are instantly changed. And just remember that you as a believer would have been ridiculed for your beliefs in Bigfoot just 10 years ago, but there were people brave enough to stand up for the truth. They knew their experience was real and they didn’t give up. And now, many more people believe than ever before. Bigfoot is a mainstream rock start thanks to those people that kept talking. And we’re not entirely sure YET that all the so-called woo is off the table either. But in the meantime, we need to keep an open mind.


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Bigfoot Research Journal

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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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