I have noticed that the question is often ask "what is a good bigfoot film I can watch?". A few years ago I did a top 5 Bigfoot movies video and of course it was totally based on my opinion, which resulted in some films not making the cut. It also resulted in some people getting mad because a film they liked was not on the list. Since then there has been some new films come out and some of them I have watched and others I haven't.
So to start off the new year, I thought I would write a post with some bigfoot film recommendations. Once again, this is my opinion, so don't get mad if your favorite film is not mentioned. This will not be an all inclusive list, there will be some quality films not on the list, but it will be a good starting point for what to watch.
Here we go!
Many of the films featured portray bigfoot as a murderous beast and others as a friendly forest person. I understand the need for family/kid friendly films. I recommend tiles like The Son of Bigfoot, Little Bigfoot with Matt McCoy, Bigfoot: The Unforgettable Encounter and of course Harry and the Hendersons. But please use your Parental Guidance in selecting a film for your children. One film that many Christians felt was anti-religion was the kid film, Smallfoot. Many reviewers felt the film was an outright attack on God and the Ten Commandments, while others loved it. So you must decide for yourself if Smallfoot is something you want to bring into your home or not.
Now, let's move on to movies that may or may not be geared toward family content.

There are many other films and even some documentaries that are worth a watch. Films like Exists from director Eduardo Sanchez, of Blair Witch fame, and Bigfoot: The Lost Tapes are good quality films worth watching. And let us not forget titles like Something in the woods by the very under rated, in my opinion, David Ford and Abominable with Lance Henriksen. Henriksen has been in numerous bigfoot films.
And one should not forget the old classic that is getting new life, The Legend of Boggy Creek. The new 4K print of the film is nothing short of fantastic. It's has given new life to the film. Gone are the days of struggling through the old bootlegged, grainy copies of the film. Film quality can really make a difference in how we perceive a film.
I want to end by letting you know where to find the most bigfoot and paranormal films and documentaries. Amazon Prime by far has the most crypid and paranormal related films than any other streaming service. There are also many other benefits with the service such as free books, music, shipping and more. If paying for a service is not an option for you then you can check out Tubi TV
and Youtube.
So, there are you some suggestions for finding the right bigfoot film to watch. Now if you seem to find some stinkers don't fret, just keep searching and looking, you are bound to find one you like. And try not to be too hard on films you don't like. I can tell you from experience that regardless of the budget or lack of a budget, a lot of time, effort and energy go into make any film. It is even more difficult when you have to do it without a budget. So, it might be unfair to hold an independent made film to the high standards of a Hollywood production.
Also, I recommend not limiting yourself to just films, there are some great books, fiction and non fiction, out there about Bigfoot as well.

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