Area of second sighting |
TCC members Bobby and Corinna Long give us an update from their home state of Oregon. Oregon is home to numerous Bigfoot sightings and has an idea habitat for Bigfoot.
This report contains three different sightings by Bobby and Corinna spread over a span of around three years. If you have had a sighting in any of these area, please contact us.
First Sighting.
Clarks branch road critter. (Bigfoot)
As some of you may know, Corinna and I drove this road, Clarks Branch Road, 4 days and 2 nights a week to deliver the local newspapers.
Our first sighting was a smaller juvenile that actually charged at our car about 2 am in the morning. This was in 2015. We think. After calling the Wild life safari to confirm no escaped primates, we began really watching this road all of the time.
Here is a map of that area.
Second Sighting.
The second incident happened when a deer wandered out in front of my car and seamed very lethargic like it was wounded or something. I looked over to my left and witnessed a huge Bigfoot going up a fire trail just a few yards off the main road. The property owner would not allow us to follow up the sighting.
This was 2017 I believe. Here is a map of that area
Third Sighting.
The last sighting off of Clarks branch was a side road called Wagontire road.
A large reddish colored Bigfoot came up towards the road seen our car and doubled back.
In fear we left quickly away from where we seen it. I returned the next day for tracks and the heavy rains had washed away any sign to be found.
This was around October 2018 and here is a map of the area.
Although we don't have any evidence for these occurrences we are 100% about what was seen on all incidents. These all are a stone throw from other witness accounts.
We plan on more exploration in this area as soon as we can get a few landowners to allow us in.
I have provided some satellite images of all 3 sightings.
Thank you.
This investigation/research by TCC Team Members Bobby & Corinna Long
Both are avid outdoors people and good researchers.
This is a report by Bobby & Corinna.
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Any Bigfoot sightings from Clear Lake near Mt. Hood lately? I had an experience there in July 2004.
ReplyDeleteNone that I know of. Please feel free to submit your encounter to us - just use this link -