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Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A couple days ago I got a Facebook message from a friend who I will only call Jane. She and her aunt had witnessed a possible UFO in the Brittains Creek area of Harlan county Kentucky.

What follows is our exchange of information about the possible sighting and a call to action for anyone else who might have seen it.

Here are the details about the sighting.

Jane:  Hey Thomas, I was looking on the Crypto Crew website and I see that you all also investigate UFOs. I wanted to tell you about something I experienced while I was at my aunt's house.  It was about Dusky dark, it wasn't completely dark yet, but we noticed something in the sky. It just stopped and kind of hovered and it went like it was spinning around and around but I'm not sure if it was the lights going around it or if the whole thing was spinning itself. It wasn't anything that me and her had ever saw and she looked at me and she said "are you seeing this?" I said yes I am seeing this and about the time me and her both started to say it's a UFO! It shot out of sight really quick it was like lightning it was gone in just seconds.

My husband said it was probably just some ones drone or something but it was too far up in the sky and was way too fast to be a drone or whatever you call them.

Thomas: When did this happen and where at?

Jane: It happened about 3 weeks ago in Brittains creek. I know it was unlike anything she or I either one has ever seen before.

(This would place the sighting around the end of Sept., roughly around the 25th)

Thomas: The thing with drones is that they normally make sound. Did you hear anything?

Jane: No we didn't hear anything. Just saw it. It stopped almost over top of us like it saw us or something and as quick as lighting it was gone. I've never saw anything move that fast.

Thomas: How many of you seen it?

Jane: 2, Me and my aunt

At this point I basically told her I could write up the report and post it up in an effort to see if anyone else saw anything. So, if you were in or near the Brittains Creek area towards the end of September and you saw something strange in the late event sky, please let us know. If you were flying a drone in this area and feel that they saw your drone, please reach out to us and let us know. 

A big special thanks to Jane for messaging me and telling me about what her and her aunt saw. This area does have a history of UFO sightings and there has long been rumors of a secret, hidden base on Black Mountain. 


This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

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