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Monday, October 8, 2018

Is Donald Trump The Reincarnation of General George Patton?
By Dorraine Fisher

No matter what you think of Donald Trump, no one ever called him a sissy or a pansy. And the same was true for General George S. Patton, the famous combat general of WWII whose many accomplishments included leading the Allies to victory and liberating the world from the Nazi regime. He’s considered one of the most successful military generals of all time. But he was also considered overly aggressive, boisterous, and sometimes even rude. He was hell-bent on success and had no tolerance for weakness. He was not always liked, but those who knew him always respected him. He died a historic icon in 1945.

And curiously in 1946, Donald Trump was born. An aggressive real estate mogul, now the President of the United States, Donald Trump evokes a lot of the same feelings toward himself that Patton conjured from people in his day. But is The Donald a modern-day reincarnation of Patton? We seriously doubt it, but you never know. Here are some interesting things to consider.

1. Trump certainly seems to look like Patton. If you can imagine Trump in that WWII uniform, the similarities are intriguing.

2. Trump greatly admires Patton and has mentioned him on many occasions as a great American hero. This can sometimes cause a person to emulate their hero’s attitude and personality traits.

3. Patton, like Trump, spoke often of winners and losers and had a serious get-it-done attitude.

4. Although Trump did not pursue a military career like Patton, he has a rather aggressive, almost militant attitude toward his business dealings and his presidency. Trump’s book, The Art Of The Deal, is said to be loosely based on old book known as The Art of War which is every military commanders guidebook.

But is Trump the reincarnation of this great General also known as a “blowhard?” We’ll probably never know, but it’s fun, at least for Trump fans, to think about.


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne!

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