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Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Having Dreams About Your Ex?
The Meaning Of Dreams Of Relationships Gone Bad

By Dorraine Fisher
     Since I do some dream interpretations for people, they often come to me asking about dreams about revisiting former relationships. Even relationships with people who may have done terrible things to them in the past or someone that they, for other reasons, wouldn’t think twice about rekindling.

      And these dreams are often very disturbing to the dreamer. They come to me with fears they may be harboring some kind of hidden feelings of love for this person and not realize it consciously. And the biggest fear is that this may be interfering with a current relationship. They may start to question their feelings for the current person. Suddenly they’re not sure what they feel, and they might even come to believe their subconscious mind is hiding some terrible truth.

      But hold on a minute! It may not be as dramatic as all that. There may be cause for a tiny bit of concern. But let’s not forget that our dreams are our own natural psychic abilities. They’re there to forewarn us of problems or things that may be bothering us of which we’re not consciously aware. And also, your dreams are rarely about other people. They’re almost always about what’s going on in YOUR own mind. Your dreams are all about YOU and YOUR feelings.

      That all being said, if you’re suddenly having dreams about a love interest from a previous relationship, even someone from very long ago, don’t sweat it! Even if you’re kissing this person, sleeping with this person, and being otherwise very intimate with this person in this dream. And here are some things to consider before you start worrying.

      Our past relationships are an important part of our history. Depending on how long they lasted, they probably made quite an impression on you, and even changed you in many ways forever. So, even though they’re over now, they’re still an important part of who you are.

      And let’s be clear about one thing. If you still have feelings for someone, you know it. There’s no mistaking it. You may still think about that person every day and wonder quite often what they’re doing or where they are. And you may be hoping they’ll walk through that door looking for you.

      But most of the time, you’ve resolved in your mind that it’s really over, or that person did things you can’t forgive, and you may even hate them for it and never, ever WANT to revisit a relationship with them ever again. This is when these dreams of rekindling a relationship with them are more disturbing.

      But they very rarely mean that you are harboring any real feelings for them in the present. What these dreams most often mean is that things you’re going through in the present time are reminding you of them in some way. They’re reminding you of how you felt when you were with them.

      Ask yourself what the first thing is you think of when you think of that person you used to love. And the answer to that question is what that person represents in your dreams. I.E. if cheating is the first things that comes to your mind when you think about them, then you need to think about whether you’re experiencing some terrible betrayal in your current waking life. Do your feelings about the current betrayal remind you of the feelings you had with that past person?
    And this doesn’t have to be a betrayal in a love relationship. It could be any kind of current relationship in which you feel someone is cheating you...with a family member or colleague at work. It could be a group or organization; the government, your church or school. Anything.
And if you’re having some kind of intimate relations in the dream with this past love, it only means that you feel too close and intimate with these feelings in your current situation. It means it may be bothering you more than you consciously realize.

      In a nutshell, the dream means that you’re having feelings in the present that are very similar to feelings you had in the past with this past love. It doesn’t mean you want to rekindle a relationship with that person. It only means that your current waking life situation is invoking the same emotions you felt when you were with that past person.

     And incidentally, if you are in a new relationship in your life and you’re suddenly having dreams about an ex, this could mean that the new relationship is somehow reminding you of that past relationship in some way. So you have to give some serious thought to that current relationship and make sure you’re not making the same mistakes you made with the past person. Your dream is telling you that there are similarities, and that you need to proceed with caution.

      After all, that’s what dreams are really for. To help you predict problems before they happen and to make you understand what’s going on in your unconscious mind that you’re suppressing. Your dreams always know the right thing, and they’re reminding you that you also know the answers. Even if you’re not acknowledging them.

    So the next time you have a dream you’re having a torrid love affair with your ex, don’t worry

It’s only to literally wake you up to what’s going on in your present life.


This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, photographer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne!

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1 comment:

  1. Your assessment is incomplete to say the least. Dreams are not simply predictors and warnings of future problems! More often than not, they are simply embelishments of past behaviors and experiences.Dreams of lust or intimacy with an ex love are not strictly indicators or warnings regarding present relationships so much as they are a simple reliving of past feelings and emotions, good or bad. They can be triggered by a desire to revisit or rekindle past feelings for someone due to the subconscious minds'awakening to circumstances or regrets that were not addressed properly or resolved during the time the relationship was active. Guilt is real and palpable and can be a powerful influence on the subconscious mind, particularly when the guilty mind is unable to accept or resolve internally a situation for which they bear responsibility.


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