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Friday, October 24, 2014

A 'skin walker' caught on camera in New Mexico.

This Post By TCC Team Member Dorraine Fisher. Dorraine is a Professional Writer, a nature, wildlife and Bigfoot enthusiast who has written for many magazines. Dorraine conducts research, special interviews and more for The Crypto Crew. Get Dorraine's book The Book Of Blackthorne!

Creepy Things in the Woods
What The ___ Is That???
By Dorraine Fisher

There are some strange things going on in the woods at night. And I’ll tell you why we believe this to be true.

All too often, we find weird photos of things we can’t explain. The price of trail cameras is going down and that means hunters and researchers alike are employing them everywhere…with sometimes very creepy results. Creepy enough to make you wonder if you shouldn’t stay inside at night and lock the door.

We debunk many more pictures than we authenticate. But sometimes certain images leave us wondering how creepy and strange the world is outside at night. The following photos may or may not be real but they certainly are interesting. All these were posted on the internet by people claiming they captured their strange images on trail cams at night. Check out the weirdness and tell us what you think.

Internet sources claim a man in Georgia had seen strange lights moving around on his property at night and he suspected someone had been trespassing. He set up trail cams around his land and captured this image of a bright glowing entity. It appears to have something protruding from its back and it looks like a figure holding a rod or "wand."  Some claim it's an angel or a fairy or a ghost. What do you think it is? 
This image was captured on a trail am by a couple in Jackson County, Mississippi. It appears to be a large "craft" with bright lights hovering over the ground, and many observers screamed UFO. But the couple finally came forward and claimed it was simply light bouncing around inside the infrared camera. We hope that's all it is. The deer didn't seem too disturbed.

This pic has been circulating on the internet for years. Is it an alien, demon, hoax? A man near Berwick, Louisiana claimed a friend of his captured this after finding his trail cam demolished. The sim card was still intact and he found he had captured this very creepy image. Tell us what you think it is.

The history of this one is a little sketchy but it's believed to have been captured by a trail cam owner near Thunder Bay, Michigan. It appears to be some kind of humanoid and some even claim it's a bigfoot since there have been sightings in that area. But we're not sure. What do you think this is?
This creepy image was said to have been captured in 2012 in northern Pennsylvania. The strange humanoid figure seems to be squatted down or sitting and laughing or smiling, yet the deer seems mostly unaffected.
We're not quite sure what to make of this one whose history is elusive, but it's pretty creepy nonetheless. And the low light makes it even creepier. What do you think it is? We featured this odd photo once before, check out that post by Clicking Here

What do you think these strange lights are in this trail cam pic originally published by Phantoms and Monsters? The lights almost look like strange little faces. Or maybe not. What do you think?

This one has always been a curiosity for me. It has been challenged many times but never confirmed fake. Supposedly from a trail cam in a forest somewhere in Canada, this pic depicts what looks like a Mothman or demon-like creature chasing a deer, Could it be the Jersey Devil?  According to internet sources, the locals in this area refuse to go into the woods at night as there have been numerous sightings of this type of creature. What do you think it is?

Do you have a weird or creepy game cam photo? Then shoot it over to us and let us take a look at it.
Just Click Here!


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  1. Really enjoyed this one Dorraine. Thanks and keep em coming.

  2. The skinwalker photo is taken from an 1980s film called extro

  3. howdy, your websites are really good. I appreciate your work. unexplained mysteries


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