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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Possible UFO photographed
What is this?

This post by Thomas Marcum, Thomas is the founder/leader of the cryptozoology and paranormal research organization known as The Crypto Crew. Over 20 years experience with research and investigation of unexplained activity, working with video and websites. A trained wild land firefighter and a published photographer, and poet.

For those who may not know, Chris Light has been documenting unknown aircraft around his home for many year now. He is also retired from the USAF making his opinion more valuable because he knows about the many different kinds of military aircraft and their speeds. We have worked on some of Chris's videos in the past. He filmed 3 UFOs back in 2013 and we did an enhancement of the video (Post found Here). More recently he filmed an unknown tumbling object and we attempted to enhance it. (Post found Here) It should also be noted that Chris lives fairly close to a military base.

In this current photo, Chris was out taking pictures of the beautiful sky (He is also has a photography company) and later noticed this object in the photo. He ask me to attempt to enhance the photo in hopes of revealing what the object actually was, be it bird or unknown. Here are my efforts.

This first photo is an inverted version of the photo.
UFO in the Sky

UFO Enhancement

Here is the object zoomed in and some sharping and anti-aliasing applied. Still can't really tell for what the object actually is but it for sure is there. It don't really look like a bird  but it could be just because of the angle.


Same photo as the above but image has been inverted in a effort to reveal more details.
Still can not say for sure what it is or isn't.
During the process of manipulating this photo, many different techniques were used. I'm only showing some of them. I wasn't able to confirm the identity of the object. 
A much tighter zoom in on the object, unfortunately the photo becomes pixilated. I attempted to use more "de-blurring" techniques but this is about the clearest I could get it. I also blasted the photo with various colors techniques in an attempt to show more details but there really wasn't much more to see. 
So what is the object? I can't say for sure, it does not appear to be a bird but he angle could play a factor in it. There is for sure something there.
A big thanks to Chris Light for sharing the photo and for his continued work scanning the skies.
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