This raffle is now CANCELLED due to a lack of interest and support. It appears there is very little support for honest bigfoot research. Apparently you need to tells lies and create some type of hoax to keep people interested. Hard work and countless hours of research in the woods just don't seem to hold much value anymore. Everyone have a great Spring and Summer! I'll be squatchin' and fishin'!
!!!!!!!! ENTER TO WIN !!!!!!! BIGFOOT ART RAFFLE !!!!!!!
Here's your chance to help out The Crypto Crew and win some great artwork!
I recently purchased some printed artwork from Michael Wawrzyniec. I purchased directly from him and the art has the printed autograph on it and it has also been signed with a ink pen in the lower right corner.
I framed it, added a Name Card and the 3D type effects to the frame. Size of frame is 11x17.
So I want to do a Raffle for the Framed Art.
How to Enter
To enter send $3 via Paypal to the email: -
Your name will be placed in a box or Jar and I will pull out a winning name. I will also film the actual pulling of the name. By entering you will be helping out TCC and getting a chance at some wonderful artwork. Once the winning Name is pulled I will contact the winner and ship out the art. Enter as often as you like and void where prohibited. By entering you grant TCC permission to release your name if you win. This is for 1 framed picture. Raffle will run approximately 30 days. In the unforeseen event I can not complete the raffle, all entry monies will be refunded.
Here is another picture of the prize
Prize with a little different lighting. |
By helping in this fund raiser you will be helping TCC with many aspects of research. Everything from travel cost (I got 2 or 3 trips coming up) to website fees to new equipment.
If we get good support on this raffle maybe we can have more.
Now you can get our blog on your Kindle!
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