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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Scott Carpenter was recently on the TV show Finding Bigfoot. Scott is a bigfoot researcher from Tennessee and had successful samples in the recent DNA study.

Here is a enhancement of the game cam photo used on the Finding Bigfoot TV show and the one Scott talks about in the video above. I did this enhancement months ago.

Finding Bigfoot team dismissed this photo as inconclusive and stated it was pareidolia.
(Pareidolia -  psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus. Common examples include seeing images of animals or faces in clouds.)

I guess the Finding Bigfoot crew is waiting for a bigfoot to walk out, shake hands and introduce itself.

Also Scott talked about the town hall meeting and I did an interview with Steve who told his encounter at that meeting, but his report was cut from show. He was the man sitting wearing a red baseball cap. I personally know Steve, Here is that interview.

I would guess that there are many good reports made during these town hall meetings that never make it any further than that room, So I'm very glad that at least Steve's encounter can be told. After this interview I did with Steve a few other people talked to him about their encounter. One in which a man seen a bigfoot chasing a deer close to the area Steve had his sighting.

Also I would like to state that Mr.Carpenter was very good on the show and has kept a good attitude about being on it.
We wish him more success with his research.


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  1. They will call a dark mass , walking through a thick woods a Bigfoot , but not that?? Wow...typical.....oh and I got band from the Board, because I said, I was not impressed with the show and may not watch it....so it's not surprising......you Katz rock!

  2. Thanks for another wonderful post. Where else could anybody get that type of info in such an ideal way of writing? best framing nailer


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"..you’ll be amazed when I tell you that I’m sure that they exist." - Dr. Jane Goodall during interview with NPR and asked about Bigfoot.

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