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Saturday, October 6, 2012

The Barton Mansion Entity - Enhanced

October is the time for ghosts and ghouls, so I thought I post up a little spooky video for everyone.
This is an older video I had on my computer and I don't know who to give credit for it.
Some guys are checking out a haunted house called Barton Mansion and they film what could be a ghost.

Here is the video


It looks pretty weird because it is so tall looking. It is also swinging a lantern in its right hand. I don't know if it's real or not but being in a creepy old house and then someone, ghost or person, stepping out of the darkness is enough to make almost anyone run. I have tried to enhance the video and slow it down to get a better look at the ghost...so what do you think?


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  1. It looks like a real person, I think he has glasses on. I don't think it is that he is super tall, I thank that doorway is shorter than normal.

  2. Looks pretty creepy . But you never know if its real or not


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